What are examples of accommodations in special education?

What are examples of accommodations in special education?

Examples of accommodations include:

  • sign language interpreters for students who are deaf;
  • computer text-to-speech computer-based systems for students with visual impairments or Dyslexia;
  • extended time for students with fine motor limitations, visual impairments, or learning disabilities;

What are examples of modifications in special education?

Modifications are changes in what students are expected to learn, based on their individual abilities. Examples of modifications include use of alternate books, pass/no pass grading option, reworded questions in simpler language, daily feedback to a student.

What’s an example of an accommodation and a modification?

Accommodations remove learning barriers in the classroom to provide every child with equal access to learning. An example is offering an audio version of classroom text for a student with dyslexia or visual supports for children with ASD. Modifications are changes to what a child is taught and expected to do in class.

What are some examples of modifications?

Usually a modification means a change in what is being taught to or expected from the student. Making an assignment easier so the student is not doing the same level of work as other students is an example of a modification. An accommodation is a change that helps a student overcome or work around the disability.

What are modifications and accommodations in special education?

One type of support is an accommodation, which is a change that helps a student overcome or work around the disability. A modification, which is a change in what is being taught to or expected from the student, is another type of support a student with an IEP may receive.

What are modifications in education?

An academic modification is a change to what a student is taught or expected to do in school. An example of a modification is less homework or easier assignments. Before using a modification, it’s often better to try changing how a child learns, or try using a different teaching strategy.

What are accommodations and modifications for students with disabilities?

An accommodation changes how a student learns the material. A modification changes what a student is taught or expected to learn. Here is a chart that explains the differences. Accommodations can help kids learn the same material as their peers.

What are examples of modifications in the classroom?

Common modifications

  • Complete different homework problems than peers.
  • Answer different test questions.
  • Create alternate projects or assignments.

What are some modifications for students with autism?

7 Helpful Accommodations for Autistic Students

  • Low-Distraction Work Areas.
  • Printed Schedules of Activities & Events.
  • Visual Cues for Common Requests.
  • Earplugs.
  • Sensory Retreat Spaces.
  • Exercise Breaks.
  • Classroom Aides.

What are some classroom accommodations for students with autism?

What are some accommodations that have been helpful to students on the autism spectrum?

  • Using a “sensory diet” throughout day.
  • Providing seat cushion for attention and postural control.
  • Providing slant board for desk work.
  • Allow student to stand (if necessary) to complete work.

What are some modifications for students with ADHD?

6 Easy Classroom Modifications to Help Students with ADHD

  • Seating the student near the teacher and away from doors and windows.
  • Allowing a student to tape-record assignments.
  • Providing the child with a note-taking partner.
  • Giving a lighter homework load.
  • Granting extra time for test-taking.

What are good accommodations for students with ADHD?


  • Extra time on tests;
  • Instruction and assignments tailored to the child;
  • Positive reinforcement and feedback;
  • Using technology to assist with tasks;
  • Allowing breaks or time to move around;
  • Changes to the environment to limit distraction; and.
  • Extra help with staying organized.

What is an example of accommodations in education?

Examples of accommodations include a student who is blind taking a Braille version of a test or a student taking a test alone in a quiet room. A. modification as used in this document is an adjust- ment to an assignment or a test that changes the standard or what the test or assignment is supposed to measure.

What are accommodations and modifications for students with special needs?

Fitting accommodations to a student’s needs is a lot like finding a good pair of jeans. You may have to try a few out before you find them “just the right fit.” Modifications are generally made for students with significant cognitive and/or physical disabilities.

What is the difference between accommodation and modification in education?

An accommodation is any technique that alters the academic setting or environment in some way, but does not change the content of required work. A modification is any technique that alters the work required in such a way that it differs in substance from the work required of other students in the same class.

What is an example of modification in special education?

Now say he froze the wine or turned it into jello to eat. That would be modifying the form of the wine. It would be different than what everyone else has. This is an example of a modification. What are Accommodations and Modifications in Special Education?