What is the SMTP server for Microsoft Exchange?

What is the SMTP server for Microsoft Exchange?

How to set up SMTP AUTH client submission

Device or Application setting Value
Server/smart host smtp.office365.com
Port Port 587 (recommended) or port 25
TLS/StartTLS Enabled
Username/email address and password Enter the sign-in credentials of the hosted mailbox being used

How do I find Exchange SMTP settings?

Find your Exchange mailbox server settings

  1. Sign in to your account using Outlook Web App.
  2. In Outlook Web App, on the toolbar, select Settings > Mail > POP and IMAP.
  3. The POP3, IMAP4, and SMTP server name and other settings you may need to enter are listed on the POP and IMAP settings page.

Where is SMTP virtual server properties?

Click Start, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Internet Services Manager. Alternatively, start the IIS snap-in. Right-click Default SMTP Virtual Server, and then click Properties.

How do I find my Exchange configuration?

Find Exchange Server Address

  1. Start the Outlook.
  2. Click the File option on the menu.
  3. Click Account Settings>>Account Settings.
  4. Here, select the Exchange Account with the Server name you want to check and click Change.
  5. In the Server Settings section, you can see the full name of your Exchange Server.

How do I find my SMTP server address for Exchange 2013?

How to find the SMTP Mail Server for an Email Address

  1. Open a DOS Command Prompt.
  2. Type “nslookup”.
  3. Your computer’s DNS Server name and IP address will be displayed.
  4. Type “set type=mx” – This will cause NSLOOKUP to only return what are known as MX (Mail eXchange) records from the DNS servers.

How do I enable SMTP exchange?

Enable SMTP AUTH for specific mailboxes

  1. Open the Microsoft 365 admin center and go to Users > Active users.
  2. Select the user, and in the flyout that appears, click Mail.
  3. In the Email apps section, click Manage email apps.
  4. Verify the Authenticated SMTP setting: unchecked = disabled, checked = enabled.

Where do I find my Exchange Server name?

Click “Tools > Options.” Click the “Mail Setup” tab located within “Options,” and then click “E-mail Accounts.” Click the “Change” button located above “Microsoft Exchange.” Locate the text next to “Microsoft Exchange Server.” You have now found the server name for Microsoft Exchange.

How do I start SMTP service?

Starting or Stopping SMTP Service in Windows

  1. Open Services. This can be done from the Start menu -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services.
  2. In the details pane, right-click Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
  3. From here, you will be able to select the appropriate service state, turning SMTP on or off as needed.

How do I find my SMTP server?

To set up your SMTP settings:

  1. Access your SMTP Settings.
  2. Enable “Use custom SMTP server”
  3. Set up your Host.
  4. Enter the applicable Port to match your Host.
  5. Enter your Username.
  6. Enter your Password.
  7. Optional: Select Require TLS/SSL.

What version is Exchange?

Start the Microsoft Exchange Management console. In the navigation pane, expand the Server Configuration objects until you locate the server object, and then select the server object. On the right side, notice the Exchange version number.

Where do I find my Exchange server name?

How to configure Exchange Server to handle outgoing email to Internet?

Now we need to add an SMTP-Connector (vs. SMTP Server) to handle outgoing email to the Internet. Right-click “Connectors” in the Exchange System Manager and choose “New”, “SMTP-Connector” to start adding the new connector and name it appropriately (like “SMTP-Out” in our case):

Where can I find the settings for the SMTP server?

You will find the settings for the SMTP server under Servers/Protocols/SMTP/Default SMTP Virtual Server. Open the properties by right-clicking on the Default SMTP Virtual Server and choosing “Properties”: The settings on tab “General” can normally be left to the defaults.

How do I troubleshoot SMTP issues with PopCon?

Open the properties by right-clicking on the Default SMTP Virtual Server and choosing “Properties”: The settings on tab “General” can normally be left to the defaults. On the tab “Access” you can find some configuration settings that might interfere with POPcon.

Where can I find the default email address for my domain?

Normally only the “Default Policy” will be there: Open the properties of the “Default Policy” by double-clicking it: In the Default Policy Properties please choose the tab “E-Mail Addresses”. There you will find a list of domains supported by your exchange server. Usually only your internal active directory server domain will be listed here: