What is an example of rehabilitate?

What is an example of rehabilitate?

Rehabilitate is defined as to restore, or to bring back into good condition. An example of rehabilitate is to nurse a sick kitten back to health. To restore to good health or useful life, as through therapy and education. Rehabilitate a patient.

What is exculpation mean?

exculpate, absolve, exonerate, acquit, vindicate mean to free from a charge. exculpate implies a clearing from blame or fault often in a matter of small importance.

What does Carcerated mean?

(rare) To imprison or confine.

What is the root of rehabilitate?

The noun rehabilitation comes from the Latin prefix re-, meaning “again” and habitare, meaning “make fit.” When something falls in to disrepair and needs to be restored to a better condition, it needs rehabilitation.

What is rehabilitation in health and social care?

You’ll support people to live independently, often following an illness or accident, and help them access support with housing, finance, social activities and life skills such as cooking or budgeting.

What do you mean by encapsulate?

encapsulate \in-KAP-suh-layt\ verb. 1 : to enclose in or as if in a capsule. 2 : to show or express in a brief way : epitomize, summarize. 3 : to become enclosed in a capsule.

What does Sculpitory mean?

: having the characteristics of sculpture.

What is the root of incarceration?

Incarceration is the state of being in prison. The noun incarceration comes from the Latin word carcer, meaning “jail.” There are many different types of incarceration.

What does actively incarcerated mean?

Shawn Sukumar: Active jail time is time that a defendant spends in the DC jail serving a sentence. Suspended jail time is jail time that is imposed by the court, but that the defendant does not have to serve as long as he complies with certain conditions.

What does a rehabilitation do?

What is rehabilitation? Rehabilitation is care that can help you get back, keep, or improve abilities that you need for daily life. These abilities may be physical, mental, and/or cognitive (thinking and learning). You may have lost them because of a disease or injury, or as a side effect from a medical treatment.

What does debilitating mean medically?

Debilitate: To impair the strength of or to enfeeble. A chronic progressive disease may debilitate a patient.

Why do people go to rehab?

Many people go to rehab because they realize the detrimental toll their problem has taken on loved ones. Many parents, for example, develop significant stress and financial issues when their child is addicted to drugs, on top of the emotional pain.

What does it mean to rehabilitate a person?

re·ha·bil·i·tate. (rē′hə-bĭl′ĭ-tāt′) tr.v. re·ha·bil·i·tat·ed, re·ha·bil·i·tat·ing, re·ha·bil·i·tates. 1. To restore to good health or useful life, as through therapy and education: rehabilitate a patient; rehabilitate a prison inmate. 2.

What is the meaning of re-habilitation?

verb (used with object), re·ha·bil·i·tat·ed, re·ha·bil·i·tat·ing. to restore to a condition of good health, ability to work, or the like. to restore to good condition, operation, or management, as a bankrupt business.

What is rehabilitation in criminal justice?

Posted in Criminal Rehabilitation Rehabilitation is Defined as: The process seeking to improve a criminal’s character and outlook so that he or she can function in society without committing other crimes. Within the immigration context, Rehabilitation is an assessment of possible future actions, attitudes and behaviour since conviction.

What is re-rehabilitation in immigration?

Rehabilitation is Defined as: The process seeking to improve a criminal’s character and outlook so that he or she can function in society without committing other crimes. Within the immigration context, Rehabilitation is an assessment of possible future actions, attitudes and behaviour since conviction.