What does TfL mean?

What does TfL mean?

The Tensor fascia latae (TFL) is a fusiform muscle enclosed between two layers of fascia lata with a length of 15cm approximately and overlying the gluteus minimus and some part of the gluteus medius[1]. It’s myotomes is fourth lumbar nerve root (L4)[2].

What is the origin and insertion of the TFL?

Origin[edit| edit source] TFL originates from anterior superior iliac spine(ASIS) and the anterior part of iliac crest. Insertion[edit| edit source] TFL together with the gluteus maximusjoins to form the Iliotibial tract, which attaches to lateral condyle of tibia[3][2]

What is the function of the TFL muscle?

TFL is prime mover in hip medial rotation and a weak hip abductor It serves as an accessory muscle/ hip synergist in abduction and flexion of the hip Together with gluteus maximus and the illiotibal band, it stabilizes the hip joint by holding the head of the femurin the acetabulum

How does TfL assist in walking?

TFL also assist in walking by inferiorly tilting the ilium on the weight-bearing side, with resultan a upward tilt of the contralateral hip. Thus, allowing the leg of the non weight bearing hip to swing through without hitting the ground during the swing phase of the gait.
