What are the rules for counterpoint?

What are the rules for counterpoint?

Counterpoint Rules

  • The interval between the given note and the note in your counter-melody should be consonant (major/minor 3rd or 6th, perfect unison, 5th, or octave, or a compound form).
  • If the counter-melody is above the given melody, then the last note of the counter-melody should be in the tonic chord.

How do you make a third species counterpoint?

Beginning a third-species counterpoint A third-species line can begin with four quarter notes in the first bar, or a quarter rest followed by three quarter notes. Regardless of rhythm, the first pitch in the counterpoint should follow the intervallic rules above.

What is a third species counterpoint?

Third Species counterpoint is when you have four counterpoint notes against one cantus firmus note. So if the cantus firmus is composed of semibreves, then the counterpoint voice is composed of crotchets (or quarter notes).

What are the 5 species of counterpoint?

We distinguish in species counterpoint between:

  • ‘Perfect’ Consonances (perfect unisons, fifths, and octave)
  • ‘Imperfect’ Consonances (major and minor thirds and sixths)
  • Dissonances (all seconds, sevenths, diminished and augmented intervals)

What is 4th species counterpoint?

In fourth-species counterpoint, the counterpoint line and cantus firmus both move once per bar, but they are rhythmically offset from each other by a half note. (Think syncopation on the bar level.) This arrangement means that in pure fourth-species counterpoint, the two lines always move in oblique motion.

Are parallel thirds allowed?

Parallel 3rds, 6ths, 4ths, and even tritones are all OK. Unisons (two parts sharing the same note) count as a kind of octave. Thus, these two instances are also bad. Sometimes students start to see parallels when there aren’t any, because they get confused as to which notes belong to which voice.

What type of embellishments are introduced in third species?

Cambiata: an embellishment introduced in 3rd species; cambiata or “changing tone” combines passing and neighboring tones creating a figure which skip from a dissonance on the 2nd quarter note. Diminution: unaccented note, the “off-beat” note, like for example the second note of the measure in 2nd species.

What types of embellishments are introduced in third species?

Music Theory for the 21st-Century Classroom In third species, one writes four quarter notes to each whole note in the cantus firmus. Use the following rules. Begin on an octave or unison. Write four quarter notes to each whole note in the cantus firmus except for the final measure.

What is 2nd species counterpoint?

In second species, one writes two half notes against a cantus firmus in whole notes. Begin your counterpoint with a half note at the octave or unison on either the first or third beat of the measure; if starting on the third beat, put a half rest at the beginning of the measure.

What is a 2 3 suspension?

The 2-3 suspension is the “bass suspension” and is measured against an upper voice. Again, you may encounter the literal intervals 10-9 but should label the suspension as 2-3.

Can you double the third in a chord?

Answer: Certainly you can – though as a general principle it’s better to double one of the other notes if the chord is major. Best choices for doubling in a major triad in order of desirability: root, 5th, 3rd.

Is it bad to double the third?

In major triads, the root is most often the best choice to double, followed by the fifth. Avoid doubling the third of major triads particularly when in first inversion. (The overtones of the third of the chord work against the other notes.

How do you write a third species counterpoint?

Begin a third-species counterpoint above the cantus firmus with do or sol. Begin a third-species counterpoint below the cantus firmus with do. Unisons are permitted for the first and last dyads of the exercise.

What is 3rd species counterpoint in music?

1. In third-species counterpoint, you will write four notes for every note in the cantus firmus, except for last note. You will be writing mostly quarter-notes in third-species. Most authors of books on counterpoint apply the rules from third-species writing to situations where there are three notes in the new melody for every note in

What is the difference between cantus firmus and second species counterpoint?

The cantus firmus is the bottom line, and the counterpoint melody is on top. Second Species counterpoint is similar to first species, except that the counterpoint melody line has double the amount of notes. If the cantus firmus is notated with semibreves, then the counterpoint line is notated with minims (or half notes ).

When are unisons allowed in the counterpoint?

Unisons are permitted for the first and last dyads of the exercise. A third-species line can begin with four quarter notes in the first bar, or a quarter rest followed by three quarter notes. Regardless of rhythm, the first pitch in the counterpoint should follow the intervallic rules above.