What are the approaches to reflective practice?

What are the approaches to reflective practice?

Methods for reflective practice

  • focus your thoughts and develop your ideas.
  • develop your voice and gain confidence.
  • experiment with ideas and ask questions.
  • organise your thinking through exploring and mapping complex issues.
  • develop your conceptual and analytical skills.

What are the basic elements of reflective practice?

Elements of reflective practice

  • Thinking critically, for example, by taking time to question perceived wisdom.
  • Self-assessment, for example, by measuring performance (audit, case review etc.)
  • Evaluating new learning (to add value and act to change where appropriate)

What are reflective activities?

In many cases, reflective activities are described as the connection between theory and action. This type of activity is especially useful in scenarios where students are required to reflect on past learning, consider real-world implications, and let this reflection guide future actions and activities.

What is reflective practice in teaching?

Reflective practice is ‘learning through and from experience towards gaining new insights of self and practice’ (Finlay, 2008). Reflection is a systematic reviewing process for all teachers which allows you to make links from one experience to the next, making sure your students make maximum progress.

How do you use questions in reflective practice?

Questions Because reflective practice is structured around inquiry, questions are key to effective reflective practice. A simple tool that uses questions for reflective practice is the After Action Review (AAR). An After Action Review involves reflecting on an activity, work-project, event or task using the following simple questions:

What is refreflective practice?

Reflective practice describes a systematic approach to reflection that involves creating a habit, structure and routine around reflecting on our experiences. Reflective practice can be an individual or a group experience.

What are the most useful tools for reflective practice?

The most useful tools for reflective practice are based on questions, stories and dialogue.

What is an example of reflection in psychology?

At this level of reflection, the person takes a step back from what has happened and starts to explore thoughts, feelings, assumptions and gaps in knowledge as part of the problem solving process. The reflector makes sense of what has been learnt from the experience and what future action might need to take place. Example – Medium reflection