How do I import a JPEG into MicroStation?

How do I import a JPEG into MicroStation?

In the MicroStation (. dgn) Image file, open the Raster Manager and File>Attach>Raster…, browse to your image file (the one that you just saved), and select it and click Open (You could check the box to “Place Interactively” here). The Raster Attachment Options dialog box will appear.

How do I georeference an image in MicroStation?

In the Raster Manager window, click File -> Attach -> Raster. Select the JPG file of interest and click Open. The Raster Attachment Options window should appear. Under Geometry, change Geo Priority to Sister File and click Attach.

How do I import Google Earth into MicroStation?

Save settings +F. Open Google Earth Pro (just to get it open) and now bring MicroStation back to the front. In MicroStation, click the Synchronize Google Earth View icon – this will locate your area of interest in Page 2 2 Google Earth (it should center your view in Google Earth to show Oregon).

How do I cut an image in MicroStation?

To crop an image interactively

  1. In the Raster Control tool box, select the Clip tool.
  2. In the tool settings, set Method to Block and Mode to Clip Boundary.
  3. If more than one raster image is attached, identify the image to be clipped.
  4. Place a data point to define the first point of the clipping block.

How do I insert a PDF into MicroStation?

Steps to Resolve in CONNECT Edition versions

  1. Open the Raster Manager (Home > Primary tools > Attach tools > Raster Manager) and attach the pdf.
  2. Select the pdf file in the view and then go to Home > Selection tools > Copy.

How do I import a PDF into MicroStation?

What is a raster file in MicroStation?

Raster Manager is the name of the module which allows you to open or attach raster files in MicroStation. It is best known for its non-destructive editing capabilities, meaning that most of its functions will only modify the DGN’s raster attachment while leaving the original raster data intact.

How do I add a Google map to MicroStation?

Google Maps

  1. Open the Geographic toolbox. Tools > Geographic > Open as ToolBox.
  2. Select the Open Location in Google Maps icon.
  3. Pick a point in your MicroStation view. The internet explorer window will open with the Google Map location you selected in MicroStation.

How do you scale a raster image in MicroStation?

Option 3a: Raster Manager – Active Scale Method

  1. Open Raster Manager (File > Raster Manager)
  2. Select the raster to resize.
  3. Select the Scale icon.
  4. In the tool settings dialog, select Active Scale.
  5. For fixed aspect ratio toggle the lock icon to appear locked (For unfixed aspect ratio toggle the lock icon to appear unlocked)

How do I scale a reference in MicroStation?

MicroStation V8i has the added functionality to apply Annotation scale to reference file attachments….Turn on Active Annotation Scale

  1. Open the Reference dialog.
  2. From the Reference dialog right click the column header and select Use Active Annotation Scale.
  3. Check ON Use Active Annotation Scale next to the reference file.

How do I copy and paste from one MicroStation file to another?

  1. Select the element(s) you want to copy.
  2. Set a tentative snap point on the basepoint about which you’d like to copy.
  3. Menu Bar > Edit > Copy.
  4. Open the drawing you’d like to copy into.
  5. Menu Bar > Edit > Paste.
  6. Ensure your settings in the “Paste from Clipboard” dialog box are correct (angle, x scale, y scale).

How to create a Deployment Image in MicroStation?

To Create a Deployment Image. Follow these steps: In the command line, go to the folder that contains the MicroStation setup executable and run the executable with the /layout command. The MicroStation Installation Wizard opens. (Optional) Click MicroStation CONNECT Edition > Configure to change the installation options.

How do I change the installation options for MicroStation connect?

The MicroStation Installation Wizard opens. (Optional) Click MicroStation CONNECT Edition > Configure to change the installation options. (Optional) To change the application installation location, click the Browse button next to the Application Path.

How to install MicroStation on MacBook Air?

In the command line, go to the folder that contains the MicroStation setup executable and run the executable with the /layout command. The MicroStation Installation Wizard opens. (Optional) Click MicroStation CONNECT Edition > Configure to change the installation options.

How to make custom ICO icons for free?

Batch ICO to Image ICO Convert is a free online icon maker and favicon generator, with it you can make icons from png or jpg images, just upload a photo of yourself, resize and crop it, convert to a shape you like, add borders and shadows, and save it as a PNG image or Windows icon.