Is it OK to squat with a wide stance?

Is it OK to squat with a wide stance?

Wide squats allow for more comprehensive movement that better works the hips than traditional squats. The hips are multidirectional joints, producing force in three planes of motion. The wide-stance squat provides the best option to train the hips in all three planes.

Is a wide squat stance easier?

A wide stance squat will shorten the range of motion, and transfer the lifting action to the hips, lower back and hamstrings. That’s why many powerlifters prefer the wide stance as it shortens the range of motion. But, if one has lower back or hip problems, it can make things worse.

Is a narrow squat stance bad?

Having poor hip mobility and ankle mobility may lead to the lower back to round when attempting to squat to a certain depth. As well, those who have pre-existing knee injuries who find squatting narrow irritates the knees more as the knees may or may not travel further forward than usual.

Are wide stance squats bad for knees?

A wider stance makes the squat more of a hip dominant movement, thus taking stress off of the knees. Additionally, turning the toes out sets the knee up for optimal alignment, limiting the amount of tibial internal/external rotation occurring at the knee.

What muscles do wide stance squats target?

What is a Wide Stance Squat? The typical squat form includes placement of the feet at a shoulder-width distance with the movement targeting the quadriceps muscles, hamstrings, and hip adductors and abductors.

What muscle do Wide squats work?

The gluteal group and inner thigh muscles come alive in the wide stance version of the squat, while the quadriceps recruitment is reduced. Conversely, a narrower stance increases quadriceps recruitment and minimizes hip muscle involvement. For those looking to really blast the quads, a narrow stance is the way to go.

Why are wide squats so hard?

Overhead squats are hard because it requires superior balance and both upper/lower body mobility. Any deviations of the bar not being over the midfoot will cause you to feel like you’re falling over. As well, mobility is needed to hold the bar with a wide grip overhead and keep an upright posture.

Should I squat narrow or wide?

This study confirmed the classic theory about squat stances – wide stance squats cause more glute activation while narrow stance squats cause more inner quad activation. Use both squat stances in your training to maximize leg development and squat strength.

Why do powerlifters squat wide?

Being in a wider stance will allow you to recruit your glutes more, produce more power, and require less mobility through your ankles and hips. Practically speaking, I’ve seen several examples of powerlifters getting strong in both narrow and wide squat stance.

What is the best squat stance?

A shoulder-width squat stance should work best; going much wider will probably cause some lateral hip discomfort. Conventional deadlifts should be a better fit than sumo, and with good coaching the client should be able to pull from the floor.

What is the proper squat stance?

Proper Squat Technique: Athletic Stance, Toes Pointed Out. The wider you put your feet, the more it works your glutes and hamstring (back of the leg), and the easier it will be to stabilize. The closer in you put your feet, the more your quadriceps will be emphasized (the front of the leg).

What is a wide squat?

The wide squat is a variation of the barbell squat. The are many mistakes that can be made when squatting, so it’s important that you have your technique down before you attempt squatting heavy weights. If you are squatting correctly, you should not feel pain in your lower back.

What are close stance squats?

The close stance squat is a great leg exercise. It works all the leg muscles and mainly focuses on the quadriceps . The close stance squat isn’t much different from the normal squat interms of the muscles targeted.