Why min height is not working?

Why min height is not working?

If the content is larger than the minimum height, the min-height property has no effect. Note: This prevents the value of the height property from becoming smaller than min-height .

Does height override min height?

The min-height property always overrides both height and max-height . Authors may use any of the length values as long as they are a positive value.

How can I make my height responsive?

Here is a possible solution to solve this kind of problem:

  1. Set a fixed size (width and height) to the illustration instead of the width only. The absence of height will keep the problem.
  2. Apply height: 100vh only when the viewport height is greater than 700px (The media query value can differ based on the context).

Can we give max height in percentage?

The CSS max-height property applies to block level and replaced elements. When the value is provided as a percentage, it is relative to the height of the containing block.

What is the minimum height of a girl?

Height by age

Age (years) 50th percentile height for girls (inches and centimeters)
13 61.8 in. (157 cm)
14 63.2 in. (160.5 cm)
15 63.8 in. (162 cm)
16 64 in. (162.5 cm)

Why is Max-height not working?

3 Answers. The problem is your browser. Maybe you could wrap this div in another div that has the fixed height of 25px. Of course this wouldn’t be exactly the same as max-height.

How do I set responsive height and width?

To make an image responsive, you need to give a new value to its width property. Then the height of the image will adjust itself automatically. The important thing to know is that you should always use relative units for the width property like percentage, rather than absolute ones like pixels.