Which caste is Rathod in Maharashtra?

Which caste is Rathod in Maharashtra?

The Rathore is a Hindu Rajput clan found in Northern India.

Is Rathore and Rathod same?

Rathaur (राठौर) Rathor (राठोर) Rathaur (राठौर) Rathod (राठोड़) is Gotra of Jats found in Rajasthan, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra. James Tod places it in the list of Thirty Six Royal Races. Rathod is a Gotra of the Anjana Jats in Gujarat.

Is Rathore a Rajput?

Rathores are a Suryavanshi Rajput clan. The clan traces its lineage back to Rama, the mythical hero of the Hindu epic Ramayana and through him back to the sun god Surya himself. Which is why the Rathores also call themselves Suryavanshi or family of the sun.

What Sikh caste is Rathore?

The Rathore clan is from the ruling class (notable among them being the Maharajah of Jodhpur), and so are the Chauhans, whose greatest ruler was Prithviraj Chauhan (12th Century AD). They are also called Thakur as a mark of respect.

Which caste comes under ST in Maharashtra?

ST Caste List in Maharashtra State.

SN ST caste list in Maharashtra Marathi
5 Bhaina
6 Bharia Bhumia, Bhuinhar Bhumia, Pando
7 Bhattra
8 Bhil, Bhil garasia, Dholi, Bhil, Dangri Bhil, Dungri, Garasia, Mewsi Bhil, Rawal Bhil, Tadvi Bhil, Bhagalia, Bhilala Pawra, Vasava, Vasave

Is Rathi a Rajput?

According to the traditions of the Parhar Rath, they were originally Parihar Rajputs of Mandore, who were defeated by the Rathores, and fled to Sindh. As a community, they have a strong self-identification as being a Rajput community.

Is Rajput an OBC?

The Rajputs, in states such as Madhya Pradesh are today considered to be a Forward Caste in India’s system of positive discrimination. This means that they have no access to reservations here. But they are classified as an Other Backward Class by the National Commission for Backward Classes in the state of Karnataka.

What caste is Bhutta?

Bhutta – The Bhutta are found throughout southern Punjab; they are one of the largest Saraiki-speaking Jat clans. The Pirzada family of Bahawalpur belong to this clan. They claim descent from Suryavanshi Rajputs.

Which caste is ST category?

The Scheduled Castes (SCs) and Scheduled Tribes (STs) are officially designated groups of people and among the most disadvantaged socio-economic groups in India. The terms are recognized in the Constitution of India and the groups are designated in one or other of the categories.

What is difference between SC ST?

Explanation: SC is for scheduled tribes and is used for the untouchables in India. According to o Indian mythology, this is part of the Verna system and such people are called Ati Shudras. ST is for Scheduled tribes and is used for the community that used to live in the forests.

What is the STST Caste list in Maharashtra?

ST Caste List in Maharashtra. So far there are 47 castes and sub castes in the Sc category. According to the Sc and St Order (Amendment) Act 1976 as 108, as mentioned in Part 10 of Annexure 1, the list of Scheduled Tribes is something like this for the state of Maharashtra.

What is the history of Teli caste in India?

History. Teli (Marathi: तेली) is a business caste of oil pressers in India and Pakistan. Members may be either Hindu or Muslim; Muslim Teli are called Roshandaar or Teli Malik. The word Teli comes from Tel, which means oil in Marathi, Hindi, and Oriya languages. The name Teli is given because of their profession…

How many sub-castes are there in the SC category in India?

So far there are 47 castes and sub-castes in the Sc category. According to the Sc and St Order (Amendment) Act 1976 as 108, as mentioned in Part 10 of Annexure 1, the list of Scheduled Tribes is something like this for the state of Maharashtra.

How many castes are there in Bihar state wise?

state wise list of castes state bihar code caste 1 ashur 2 badra 3 barber (nai) 4 black smith (luhar) 5 brahmin 6 carpenter 7 chamar 8 chowkidar 9 cobblar 10 cobler 11 jat 12 khasar 13 kisav 14 kumhar 15 messons 16 munda 17 oran 18 potters 19 rajput 20 rawar rajput 21 renger 22 sikh 23 sunar 24 tailor (darji) 25 vaisno 26 washer man (dhobi) 4