Where is the swing by Fragonard?

Where is the swing by Fragonard?

The Wallace Collection
The Swing/Locations

What gallery is the swing in?

the National Gallery of Art
A Pageant of Painting from the National Gallery of Art.

What’s going on in Fragonard’s painting the swing?

The Swing depicts a young man – concealed in the foliage – who is watching a young woman on a swing. (At the time, a swing was a conventional symbol for infidelity.) She is being pushed by an elderly man in the background who has no idea of the young man’s presence.

Who commissioned The Swing by Fragonard?

Jean- Honoré Fragonard’s The Swing was essentially a commission passed to him by another painter Gabriel-François Doyen. The painting’s storyline and composition was proposed to Doyen by a gentleman of the court, who wanted a painting of him and his mistress.

Is The Swing Rococo?

While there’s plenty of intrigue in the story of its making, The Swing ultimately revels in fun, fantasy, and the idealized haut monde. Its hedonistic subject and obsessive detail make it an icon of Rococo style and a continual source ofcreative inspiration and visual enjoyment.

Why did Jean-Honoré Fragonard paint The Swing?

This oil painting known as The Swing was created by the French artist Jean-Honoré Fragonard sometime during 1767 and 1768. A gentleman of the court reportedly requested the painter represent his mistress being pushed on a swing as he secretly admired her from below.

What style is Fragonard?

Jean-Honoré Fragonard/Periods

Who or What Influenced Jean-Honore Fragonard. A serious student of the masters, Fragonard combined classical study in France and Italy with love of the portraiture of the Dutch Baroque, and created his own style of lush, lighthearted eroticism that came to define the late Rococo.

What style is the swing by Jean-Honoré Fragonard?

The Swing/Periods
Its hedonistic subject and obsessive detail make it an icon of Rococo style and a continual source ofcreative inspiration and visual enjoyment. In her essay “Playful Constructions and Fragonard’s Swinging Scenes” (2000), art historian Jennifer Milam writes of the weighted connotations of swinging itself.

How does Fragonard utilize the Rococo artistic style in the swing?

As a landmark piece of the French Rococo, it can be defined by the masterly technique that Fragonard employed in its execution. Utilizing typical Rococo techniques such as billowing fabrics, pastel colors, and soft dappled lighting, he created a perfect confectionery painting, fit for the garden or the palace.

Who commissioned the swing by Fragonard?

Why did Fragonard paint the swing?

This oil painting known as The Swing was created by the French artist Jean-Honoré Fragonard sometime during 1767 and 1768. A gentleman of the court reportedly requested the painter represent his mistress being pushed on a swing as he secretly admired her from below.

How did van Loo influence Fragonard?

Van Loo’s influence on Fragonard’s art is evident in the large Psyche Showing Her Sisters the Gifts She Has Received from Cupid (London, National Gallery), a fluidly painted work that was exhibited to King Louis XV (r. 1715–1774) in 1754.

Why is Fragonard so important?

Nevertheless, Fragonard is rightly considered among the most characteristic and important French painters of the second half of the eighteenth century.

Where did Fragonard paint Tivoli?

During the summer of 1760, spent with Saint-Non at the Villa d’Este in Tivoli, Fragonard produced a series of red chalk drawings of the gardens and principal sites of the town that are among the greatest examples of landscape art of the century.