What was the bee in the Hunger Games?

What was the bee in the Hunger Games?

Tracker jackers are genetically engineered wasps, conceived and created in the Capitol. They are genetically coded to attack anyone or anything that disturbs their nest.

What did Katniss hallucinate?

Katniss is hallucinating severely because of the tracker jacker stings, and the trees around her seem to be spinning when she returns. She tries to pry the bow from Glimmer’s hands, but the flesh looks like it’s melting away, and Katniss recoils in horror.

What stung Katniss when she was up in the tree?

A fireball brushes her calf, scalding her. She manages to put the fire out, but her hands and calf are seriously injured. Eventually the attack ends and Katniss walks until she finds a small pool. The water soothes the burns.

Where did Katniss get stung by tracker jackers?

She warns Rue, who takes off through the trees, and finishes sawing the branch. She is stung three times before the branch falls, the nest exploding on the ground and the tracker jackers chasing the Careers and Peeta back to the lake.

What district is glimmer from?

District 1
Glimmer is the District 1 female tribute in the 74th Hunger Games. She was a career tribute.

What does a Jabberjay look like?

Appearance. Jabberjays are said to have black feathers and white crest. They also have white tips on their wings.

Who died in the bloodbath Hunger Games?

District 8 boy, District 10 girl, District 3 girl, District 6 girl, District 9 boy, District 7 boy, District 9 girl, District 5 boy, District 7 girl, District 6 boy, District 4 boy all died in the Cornucopia bloodbath in the 74th Hunger Games. District 8 girl was killed by Cato and Peeta.

What is ironic about Katniss injury?

What is ironic about Katniss’s injury? A fireball hit her calf and burned it, ironic is that she is known as “the girl on fire”.

Who dies in Chapter 14 of the Hunger Games?

Maysilee dies, as do some others, until it’s down to Haymitch and one other person. The other girl’s beating Haymitch, but he outsmarts her. The girl throws her weapon at Haymitch and it disappears, only to hit the force field and rebound upon her. Haymitch wins.

Are Mockingjays real?

Is a mockingjay a real bird? No, mockingjays are not real birds that live on Earth, they live only in The Hunger Games mythology. They’re a symbol for rebellion, however, because they’re the unexpected offspring of a mockingbird (a real bird) and a jabberjay (also only part of The Hunger Games mythology).

Why did Katniss drown Buttercup?

Katniss Everdeen At first, Katniss and Buttercup did not like each other at all, with Katniss citing him as the ugliest tomcat in the world. Katniss saw Buttercup simply as another mouth to feed so she tried to “drown” him in a bucket full of water when Prim stops her.

How do you find the theme of The Hunger Games?

LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in The Hunger Games, which you can use to track the themes throughout the work. Katniss realizes that Rue is pointing at what looks like a wasp nest above Katniss’s head, but Katniss suspects that they’re no ordinary wasps.

What happens in Chapter 14 of The Hunger Games?

The Hunger Games Chapter 14 Summary & Analysis. LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in The Hunger Games, which you can use to track the themes throughout the work. Katniss realizes that Rue is pointing at what looks like a wasp nest above Katniss’s head, but Katniss suspects that they’re no ordinary wasps.

How does Katniss hallucinate in The Hunger Games?

Katniss is hallucinating severely because of the tracker jacker stings, and the trees around her seem to be spinning when she returns. She tries to pry the bow from Glimmer’s hands, but the flesh looks like it’s melting away, and Katniss recoils in horror.

What is the purpose of the tracker jacker in The Hunger Games?

The tracker jackers also track down those who have disturbed their nest—hence the name tracker jacker. The smoke from the fire seems to have subdued them for now. Rue’s decision to reveal the location of the tracker jacker nest to Katniss probably saves Katniss’s life, since just a few stings could kill her.