What stores sell Postum?

What stores sell Postum?

Postum coffee substitute can be ordered online at Postum.com, Amazon.com and VermontCountryStore.com. To find a retail store that sells Postum, enter a zip code in the Store Locator tab at Postum.com.

Does Postum have caffeine?

Postum is still naturally caffeine free and smooth tasting, with no acidity or bitterness, so it won’t cause sleepless nights or digestive upsets. It’s a natural choice for health-conscious individuals and those with dietary, health, or religious restrictions.

Where can Postum be purchased?

Postum is manufactured by Eliza’s Quest Foods of Charlotte, NC. If you visit their website, you can order directly from them the same 8 oz. jar, in three delicious flavors (regular, coffee, cocoa), for ten bucks—but then there’s the cost for shipping, for which Amazon Prime members have already ponied up.

Does Postum have gluten?

It has the smooth, rich taste and texture of coffee or Postum, but contains no caffeine, bitterness or acidity. Because of the way it is made, it also is gluten-free.