What MMR is Masters StarCraft 2?

What MMR is Masters StarCraft 2?

League MMR Ranges

League MMR Floor
Master 1 4931 – 5177
2 4686
3 4440

What MMR is Diamond League?


How is StarCraft MMR calculated?

MMR is the ‘skill’ rating in the ladder system. MMR represents a player’s strength more accurately than league, ladder points, adjusted points, or division rank. If player lost, then subtract 24 from his points change. Note that CAP is defined in this table as receiving the negative of the adjusted points.

How does the bonus pool work?

Bonus Pool means a pool consisting of a percentage of the Net Profits from a Designated Well, as determined by the Company, paid by the Company to the Plan. Each Bonus Pool will be the basis for determining the Bonus to be paid to each Participant or Participant Group.

What MMR is master?

Server Americas Korea
Master 1 4139 – 4308
Master 2 3969 – 4139
Master 3 3800 – 3969
Diamond 1 3587 – 3800

Does StarCraft 2 use Elo?

It’s an Elo-based system. If you want a nice, simple introduction look up Elo systems and you’ll know basically how it works.

How do you distribute bonuses fairly?

To reassure employees that you’re distributing bonus payments fairly, sit down with employees (preferably one on one) and explain how you arrived at the bonus amount. It’s critical that you do this with low performers — if they get a smaller slice (or no slice at all) of the bonus pie.

How do you allocate a bonus pool?

Managers should be prepared with a justifiable reason for the chosen approach.

  1. Adopt the simplest method and divide the bonus amount evenly between all eligible employees.
  2. Award bonuses as a percentage of salary.
  3. Set bonus amounts according to performance-based criteria.
  4. Divide bonuses based on job duties.

How much LP do you need to rank up?

League Points (LP) are how you move through the ranks. They are rewarded for victory and deducted upon defeat. You generally need 100 LP to climb up each division, though there are other rules governing your progression that you can read about in our article on placements, promos, and more.

What are the requirements for promotion in the Marine Corps Reserves?

As a reservist, the same requirements apply. A Commander can meritoriously promote a Marine to PFC if they believe they have shown outstanding leadership and performance. This applies to Reserve commands as well. A similar procedure occurs for meritorious promotion to LCpl.

When do you get promoted to Sgt in the Marines?

A Commander can meritoriously promote a Marine to Cpl or Sgt if they believe that Marine has shown outstanding leadership and performance. There are quarterly promotion boards held in December, March, June, and September. Staff Non-Commissioned Officer Promotions

What are promotions to corporal and Sergeant in the Army?

Promotions to Corporal (Cpl) and Sergeant (Sgt) are slightly more complicated. The eligibility for promotions to these ranks is based on a composite score.

How do you get promoted to corporal in the Marines?

Promotions to Corporal (Cpl) and Sergeant (Sgt) are slightly more complicated. The eligibility for promotions to these ranks is based on a composite score. The components that go into computing this score are: Rifle Score- Determined by the Marine’s score on the rifle range. Physical Fitness Test- Based on the Marine’s physical fitness test score.