What is the purpose of the APA writing style?

What is the purpose of the APA writing style?

APA Style, or American Psychological Association, is the standard format for almost all social science research fields. It was designed to standardize scientific writing. Citation helps the author avoid plagiarism and the serious consequences that come alone with it.

What is the APA style of writing?

APA is the style of documentation of sources used by the American Psychological Association. This form of writing research papers is used mainly in the social sciences, like psychology, anthropology, sociology, as well as education and other fields.

How do you write results in APA?

Every statistical test that you report should relate directly to a hypothesis. Begin the results section by restating each hypothesis, then state whether your results supported it, then give the data and statistics that allowed you to draw this conclusion.

How do you report at test results in APA?

The basic format for reporting the result of a t-test is the same in each case (the color red means you substitute in the appropriate value from your study): t(degress of freedom) = the t statistic, p = p value. It’s the context you provide when reporting the result that tells the reader which type of t-test was used.

How do you introduce a results section?

The Results section should include the findings of your study and ONLY the findings of your study. The findings include: Data presented in tables, charts, graphs, and other figures (may be placed among research text or on a separate page) A contextual analysis of this data explaining its meaning in sentence form.