What is the PPAT art therapy assessment?

What is the PPAT art therapy assessment?

The Person Picking an Apple from a Tree (PPAT) is an art therapy assessment task that is scored using the Formal Elements Art Therapy Scale (FEATS) to identify a client’s mental health symptoms and progress in art therapy. Normative data are needed to empirically validate assumptions about the PPAT.

How do you assess art therapy?

The most effective approach to assessment in the field of art therapy appears to incorporate objective measures such as standardized evaluation procedures (formal assessments; behavioral checklists; portfolio evaluation), and subjective approaches such as the client’s interpretation of his or her artwork.

What is the diagnostic drawing series?

Developed by art therapists in 1982, the Diagnostic Drawing Series (DDS) is a standardized three-picture art interview for use with adolescents and adults. This helps the art therapist to assess the client’s issues, defenses, and strengths. DDS can be used for individual use, and also for group art therapy sessions.

What techniques are used in art therapy?

Techniques used in art therapy can include:

  • Collage.
  • Coloring.
  • Doodling and scribbling.
  • Drawing.
  • Finger painting.
  • Painting.
  • Photography.
  • Sculpting.

What are the benefits of art therapy?

Art therapy has been shown to benefit people of all ages. Research indicates art therapy can improve communication and concentration and can help reduce feelings of isolation. This type of therapy has also been shown to lead to increases in self-esteem, confidence, and self-awareness.

What is art therapy in psychology?

Art therapy, also known as expressive therapy, uses art as a means of communication and lets people explore and express their emotions and thoughts. And the good news is that one doesn’t need to be very creative or artistic to take up this therapy.

What is DDS assessment?

The Diagnostic Drawing Series (DDS) is a three-picture art interview developed in 1982 by art therapists Barry M. The DDS was the first art therapy assessment for adults to be systematically correlated with the nomenclature of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) through research.

What are the 5 modalities of art therapy?

Modalities such as art therapy, music therapy, poetry therapy, dance/movement therapy, and expressive arts therapy are all examples of creative arts therapy.

What are the disadvantages of art therapy?

More serious concerns included art therapy causing anxiety,72 increasing pain,72 and resulting in the activation of emotions that were not resolved. In one study,73 a participant was also concerned that art therapy may be harmful if the art therapist was not skilled.

What are the cons of art therapist?

The Cons of an Art Therapy Career

  • Investment is high. Art therapy career has a high investment when you get into it.
  • Relatively Low Pay. Like several other mental health careers, the pay for art therapist is relatively low, especially in the beginning.
  • Poor job outlook.
  • Others don’t know what you do.
  • In conclusion.

What is the difference between EMDR and art therapy?

How ART Differs from EMDR. EMDR uses a variable number of eye movements, while ART uses a fixed number. EMDR uses free association, while ART therapists are directive. EMDR pays attention to content, whereas ART therapists focus on visual imagery and emotional sensations.

How does the PPAT assessment work?

The PPAT assessment evaluates test takers on their abilities to impact student learning as it relates to the InTASC Model Core Teaching Standards (PDF), demonstrating that they have the basic pedagogical content knowledge and application for the classroom to begin teaching as an entry-level teacher. It is designed to: How does it work?

What is assessment in art therapy?

According to the American Art Therapy Association (2004a), assessment is “the use of any combination of verbal, written, and art tasks chosen by the professional art therapist to assess the individual’s level of functioning, problem areas, strengths, and treatment objectives.”

What are art therapy instruments?

Art therapy assessments can be directed and/or non-directed, and can include drawings, paintings, and/or sculptures (Arrington, 1992). Referred to by some as projective techniques (Brooke, 1996), art therapy instruments are “. . . alluring with their ability to illustrate concrete markers of the inner psyche” (Oster & Gould Crone, 2004, p. 1).

What are art-based assessment instruments?

25) Art-based assessment instruments are used by many art therapists to determine a client’s level of functioning; formulate treatment objectives; assess a client’s strengths; gain a deeper understanding of a client’s presenting problems; and evaluate client progress. Art therapists are often expected to use assessment tools for client evaluation.
