What is the difference between ascending and descending aorta?

What is the difference between ascending and descending aorta?

The key difference between ascending and descending aorta is that ascending aorta is the upward part of the arch and the aortic section closest to the heart while descending aorta is the downward portion of the arch that is connected to a network of arteries and supplies most of the body with oxygen-rich blood.

Which type of aortic dissection is worse?

Type A Aortic Dissection Type A is the most common type of aortic dissection and is more likely to be acute than chronic. This makes it more dangerous than type B dissections because it is more likely to cause the aorta to rupture, leading to a potentially fatal heart condition.

Which type of aortic dissection is associated with the highest rate of mortality?

A tear in the intimal layer results in the progression of the dissection (either proximal or retrograde) chiefly due to the entry of blood in between the intima and media. An acute aortic dissection is associated with very high mortality; the majority die even before reaching the emergency department.

What are the two types of aortic dissection?

Aortic dissections are classified into two types: type B dissection involves a tear in the descending part of the aorta and may extend into the abdomen, whereas type A dissection develops in the ascending part of the aorta just as it branches off the heart.

What is a descending aortic dissection?

It then bends or arches, and finally moves down through the chest and abdomen (the descending aorta). Aortic dissection most often happens because of a tear or damage to the inner wall of the aorta. This very often occurs in the chest (thoracic) part of the artery, but it may also occur in the abdominal aorta.

What is the difference between aortic dissection and aortic aneurysm?

Aortic aneurysm and aortic dissection Having an aortic aneurysm increases the risk of a tear in the aortic lining (aortic dissection), as shown in the image on the right. An aortic dissection is a serious condition in which a tear occurs in the inner layer of the body’s main artery (aorta).

Which arm has higher BP in aortic dissection?

After being admitted to the Intensive Care Unit, the mean arterial pressure on the left arm was noted to be significant higher. On physical examination, both lower limbs were dusky in appearance because of poor perfusion.

Which arm has lower blood pressure in aortic dissection?

In about two thirds of people with aortic dissection, pulses in the arms and legs are diminished or absent. Depending on the location of the dissection along the aorta, there may be a difference in blood pressure between the right and left arm.

What is the descending aorta?

The descending aorta begins after the origin of the left subclavian artery from the aortic arch and continues down through the chest to the diaphragm. The segment of the aorta below the diaphragm is referred to as the abdominal aorta. The descending aorta provides important blood flow to the spinal cord.

How is descending aortic dissection treated?

Treatment. Descending aortic dissections can be treated medically. The goal of medical therapy is aimed at reducing blood pressure and the shear force on the aorta. Beta-blockers with some alpha blocking properties (carvedilol, labetalol) are commonly used with a goal systolic blood pressure < 120 mmHg.

Which arm BP is lower in aortic dissection?

Why is BP different at AAA?

Bilateral upper-extremity blood pressures should be measured in patients with AAAs. Upper-extremity blood pressures that differ from each other by more than 30 mm Hg indicate subclavian artery stenosis, and perioperative monitoring is important. Cervical bruits may indicate carotid artery stenosis.

What quality of life can I expect after an aortic dissection?

Beyond that, you can expect to live an active lifestyle. The most important thing to expect is that you will feel weak after surgery. It is a traumatic experience. Your body will draw energy from muscle tissue, which is a great source of fuel.

What is the prognosis of aortic dissection?

Aortic dissection is relatively uncommon. The condition most frequently occurs in men in their 60s and 70s. Symptoms of aortic dissection may mimic those of other diseases, often leading to delays in diagnosis. However, when an aortic dissection is detected early and treated promptly, the chance of survival greatly improves.

What is a type 1 aortic dissection?

The diagnosis of acute aortic dissection requires a high index of suspicion and involves the following: History and physical examination Imaging studies Electrocardiography Complete blood count, serum chemistry studies, cardiac marker assays

What is the normal size of an ascending aorta?

The upper normal limit for the ascending aorta is 2.1 cm/m2. A value beyond 4 cm is regarded as an aneurysm, a lower value as ectasia. The normal value for the descending aorta is 1.6 cm/m2 for BSA, and aneurysm is present when a value of 3 cm is exceeded. The aortic diameter gradually increases over time.
