What is the Court of Cassation?

What is the Court of Cassation?

The Court of Cassation is the highest court in the French judicial system. The Court of Cassation controls the right application of the law by the inferior courts in civil and criminal matters. It aims at achieving unity in the application of the law.

What is the court system like in Egypt?

Egypt’s judiciary is fiercely independent, and within the judiciary judges are individually independent. Egypt has three supreme courts: the Supreme Constitutional Court, Court of Cassation, and Supreme Administrative Court. The Court of Cassation is the supreme court of the common court system.

What is the name of the highest court in Egypt?

The Supreme Constitutional Court
The Supreme Constitutional Court (Arabic: المحكمة الدستورية العليا, Al Mahkama Al Dustūrīya El ‘Ulyā) is an independent judicial body in Egypt, located in the Cairo suburb of Maadi. The Supreme Constitutional Court is the highest judicial power.

What is the criminal justice system in Egypt?

The Judiciary of Egypt consists of administrative and non-administrative courts, a Supreme Constitutional Court, penal courts, civil and commercial courts, personal status and family courts, national security courts, labour courts, military courts, and other specialized courts or circuits.

How many judges are in the Court of Cassation?

Judges and divisions Overall, the Court consists of nearly 85 trial judges (conseillers) and about 40 deputy judges (conseillers référendaires), each divided among six different divisions (chambres):

What was the final decision of the Supreme Court of Cassation?

(June 26, 2020) On May 22, 2020, the Italian Supreme Court of Cassation (SCC) issued a decision declaring unconstitutional a provision imposing a radical ban on communication between incarcerated persons who, in accordance with Law No. 94 of July 15, 2009 and article 4-bis of Law No.

What were ancient Egyptian punishments?

Punishment for serious crimes included penal servitude and execution; mutilation and flogging were often used to punish lesser offenders. Although punishment for criminal offenders could be severe—and, in the modern viewpoint, barbaric—Egyptian law nevertheless was admirable in its support of basic human rights.

What is the legal code in Egypt?

Egypt’s supreme law is its written constitution. With respect to transactions between natural persons or legal entities, the most important legislation is the Egyptian Civil Code of 1948 (the “ECC”), which remains the main source of legal rules applicable to contracts.

Who is the supreme judge of ancient Egypt?

The supreme high court judge was Pharaoh, who assigned his vizier to this job, to hear the case and act as judge.

How many supreme judges were there in the Egyptian legal system?

The Supreme Administrative Court hears cases in panels made up of five judges. The Supreme Administrative Court is defined by Article 23 of the State Council Law.

What is a Cassation Bench?

A court of cassation is the judicial court of last resort and has power to quash (casser in French) or reverse decisions of the inferior courts.

How many judges are there in the Egyptian Court of Cassation?

The Court of Cassation consists of over 450 judges who are organized into circuits, and who hear cases in each circuit in panels of at least five. (More than five judges may sit in a circuit and hear cases, but at least five must sign the judgment order.) Only about 300 of those judges actually sit in court in Egypt,…

How does the Egyptian court system work?

The Supreme Court of Egypt’s common court system. Hears civil appeals and conducts felony trials in panels of three judges. The first level of litigation in civil cases and non-felony criminal cases.

What is the Court of Cassation and how does it work?

The Court of Cassation is the supreme court of the common court system, and is comprised of a President and about 450 Vice-Presidents who hear criminal and civil appeals in panels of five. Appeals before the Court of Cassation are limited to issues of law, not fact. But, “law” means more than just procedure.