What is the cellular morphology and arrangement of Bacillus subtilis?

What is the cellular morphology and arrangement of Bacillus subtilis?

Bacillus subtilis morphology describes rod-shaped, Gram-positive bacteria that show up on both positive and negative Gram stain techniques. A bacterial rod is a symmetrical cylinder with rounded ends. A significant difference in pressure across the cytoplasmic membrane pushes the cell wall into a specific shape.

What is the colony morphology of Bacillus subtilis?

Bacillus subtilis is a typical germ, which is rod-shaped and Gram-positive. When cultured on ordinary nutrient agar, the morphology circular colony of this bacteria is rough, opaque, fuzzy white or slightly yellow with jagged edges [1, 7].

What are the morphology and cellular arrangement of Bacillus?

Bacilli (or bacillus for a single cell) are rod-shaped bacteria. Spirilla (or spirillum for a single cell) are curved bacteria which can range from a gently curved shape to a corkscrew-like spiral.

What is the cell shape of Bacillus subtilis?

subtilis cells are typically rod-shaped, and are about 4–10 micrometers (μm) long and 0.25–1.0 μm in diameter, with a cell volume of about 4.6 fL at stationary phase. As with other members of the genus Bacillus, it can form an endospore, to survive extreme environmental conditions of temperature and desiccation. B.

What is the morphology of Bacillus?

Bacillus species are rod-shaped, endospore-forming aerobic or facultatively anaerobic, Gram-positive bacteria; in some species cultures may turn Gram-negative with age.

What is the arrangement of E coli?

E. coli is gram-negative (-ve) rod-shaped bacteria. It is 1-3 x 0.4-0.7 µm in size and 0.6 to 0.7 µm in volume. It is arranged singly or in pairs.

What are the shapes and arrangements of bacteria?

There are three basic shapes of bacteria: coccus, bacillus, and spiral. Based on planes of division, the coccus shape can appear in several distinct arrangements: diplococcus, streptococcus, tetrad, sarcina, and staphylococcus. The bacillus shape can appear as a single bacillus, a streptobacillus, or a coccobacillus.

What are the characteristics of Bacillus subtilis?

Bacillus subtilis is a spore forming, motile, rod-shaped, Gram-positive, facultative aerobe. It is mostly found in soil and vegetation with an optimal growth temperature from 25-35 degrees Celsius. B. subtilis has the ability to produce and secrete antibiotics.

What are the three basic arrangements of bacteria?

There are three basic shapes of bacteria: coccus, bacillus, and spiral.

What are the different arrangements of bacteria?

What is the difference between bacillus, coccus, and Spirillum?

Answers. Coccus are bacteria with a spherical shape, bacillus have a rod shape and spirillium have an elongated spiral shape.

What diseases are caused by Bacillus bacteria?

Serious infections caused by Bacillus species. Endocarditis can occur, but apparently follows bacteremia only infrequently. When these bacteria cause localized infection such as pneumonia, pan-ophthalmitis, visceral abscess, or musculoskeletal infections, tissue necrosis and profound morbidity are the rule.

Does Bacillus subtilus have flagella?

Bacillus subtilis bacteria use their flagella for a swarming motility. This motility occurs on surfaces, for example on agar plates, rather than in liquids. Bacillus subtilis are arranged in singles or chains. Cells arranged next to each other can only swarm together, not individually. These arrangements of cells are called ‘rafts’.

Why are rod-shaped bacteria rod shaped?

However, the name Bacillus, capitalized and italicized, refers to a specific genus of bacteria. Correspondingly, why are bacteria rod shaped? A rod shaped cell has a streamlined body which would be advantageous in swimming, just like the slender body of a fish, a boat or a plane. A spherical body will experience greater frictional resistance.