What is the bisecting technique?

What is the bisecting technique?

The bisecting angle technique is accomplished by placing the receptor as close to the tooth as possible. The central ray of the x-ray beam should be directed perpendicular to an imaginary line that bisects or divides the angle formed by the long axis of the tooth and the plane of the image receptor.

What is meant by the parallel technique?

The paralleling technique is the most commonly used technique for exposing periapical and bitewing radiographs because it creates the most accurate representation of a tooth image. It refers to the receptor being positioned parallel to the full length (long axis) of the tooth being radiographed.

When is paralleling technique used?

Intraoral radiography using the parallel technique is the recommended method for visualizing minute bone changes, despite the continual improvements of extra-oral radiographic systems. By using this technique, high accuracy in measurements can be obtained.

What is long cone paralleling technique?

The long cone paralleling technique positions the receptor (i.e. film) parallel to the long axis of the teeth and guides the central ray of the x-ray beam to be directed at a right angle to the teeth and the receptor. This method produces images of the teeth on the receptor with minimal distortion.

What is labial mounting?

Technique: Current convention is that all dental radiographs are mounted/interpreted with “labial mounting”. This means that the film is viewed from the outside in. If you are interpreting a standard radiograph, the key to properly identifying the imaged side is the embossed dot, which is on one corner of the film.

What are the three 3 main principles of the paralleling technique?

Terms in this set (11)

  • the receptor is placed in the mouth parallel to the long axis of the tooth.
  • the central ray of the x-ray beam is directed perpendicular to the receptor and the long axis of the tooth.
  • a beam alignment device must be used to keep the receptor parallel with the long axis of the tooth.

What does parallel to mean?

: to be similar or equal to (something) : to happen at the same time as (something) and in a way that is related or connected. : to be parallel to (something) : to go or extend in the same direction as (something)

What are the two main principles of the paralleling method?

The long-cone paralleling technique is based on the following principles: an increased distance between the radiation source and the film to obtain a bundle of parallel rays; an increased distance (except for the lower molar region) between the tooth and the film to obtain parallelism between the film and the long-axis …

What is anatomic order?

When describing the individual bones you should really start at the front and move toward the back and from the top to the bottom, beginning with an overall description and then moving to the details, then how they fit with other bones, then any accessories.

What is an embossed dot?

(ī-den’ti-fi-ka’shŭn dot) Small raised indicator on an intraoral radiographic film; used to determine film orientation. Synonym(s): embossed dot.