What is the best tasting feijoa variety?

What is the best tasting feijoa variety?

Roys own favourite is Pounamu, but he also rates Anatoki (my favourite) Even “self-fertile” varieties set much better quality fruit with another variety planted nearby for pollination.

How many varieties of feijoas are there?

There are upwards of 15 feijoa varieties. Some of our favourites are: Apollo – large oval fruits that are sweet and tasty. Fruits will appear mid-season. Bambina – compact tree that produces small, sweet fruit. Fruits will appear mid-season.

Do you need two feijoa trees?

All others require two or more trees for successful pollination and fruit formation, but even then it may not pay to rely on birds or bees to carry this out. For feijoas, the pollen ideally comes from a different tree of a different variety in order to fertilise the plant and set the seeds or fruit.

What is the best Fertiliser for feijoas?

Feijoa trees usually fruit two years after planting, and should be fed regularly from spring to late summer to ensure a healthy tree and bumper harvest. Use Tui NovaTec Premium fertiliser for best results in both garden beds and pots and containers.

How far apart do you plant feijoa trees?

Feijoas are self fertile, however, having another close by improves pollination and ultimately fruiting. Birds (mainly blackbirds) are the main pollinators of feijoas. Plant your trees 1.5m apart or you can plant closer if you want to create a hedge or screen.

How do I grow bigger feijoas?

We recommend feeding your feijoa tree with Tui NovaTec Premium Fertiliser which is high in potassium to sweeten the fruit. Pruning your tree regularly once fruiting has finished will result in bigger fruit. You will get less fruit next year, but the fruit will be bigger in the long run with continued pruning.

How do you keep a feijoa tree small?

How To Prune Feijoas

  1. Clean Up First. Remove dead, damaged, crossing and vertical wood.
  2. Mostly Thinning Cuts. Use mostly thinning cuts to produce an open canopy for good light penetration and access for bird and bee pollinators.
  3. A Little Heading. Finish off with a few heading cuts for height and width management.

Do birds pollinate feijoa trees?

Many feijoas require another variety as a pollinator. Birds such as blackbirds and thrushes usually pollinate feijoas. If you already have trees, now is a good time to feed them a slow-release fertiliser that provides nutrients for up to three months.

Why is my feijoa tree not fruiting?

The most common reasons for no fruit aside from the trees being too young (they take 2-3 years to fruit) is inadequate pollination or poor tree health. Feijoa trees should be fed regularly from spring to after harvest to ensure a healthy tree and bumper harvest.

Do feijoa trees self pollinate?

Pollination of feijoas can be tricky. Some cultivars are self-pollinating, and some are not-so-much, so need another tree to pollinate them. If you have a few feijoa trees which are not really fruiting (or not fruiting at all) buying another named variety from a nursery is considered a good strategy.

Do guava trees self pollinate?

Guavas are primarily self-fruitful, although some strains seem to produce more fruit when cross-pollinated with another variety. Guavas can bloom throughout the year in mild-winter areas, but the heaviest bloom occurs with the onset of warm weather in the spring. The chief pollinator of guavas is the honeybee.

Where can I find more information about the different types of feijoa?

For more info contact us at [email protected] The feijoa industry has a vast array of feijoa varieties available. It can be confusing to know which varieties to grow as some are better than others and it will depend on what market you are growing for eg. export, local or processed.

When do feijoas ripen?

Feijoa fruit matures from late summer in the warmer areas of the country but in colder regions fruit starts ripening from late autumn depending on variety. In such regions early maturing varieties such as Kakariki, Kaiteri, Anatoki, Unique or Pounamu are recommended for commercially plantings.

Are all feijoas self pollinating?

A wide range of feijoas are available. Some varieties are self-fertile, but even self-fertile varieties will produce heavier and more regular crops if they are pollinated by other varieties. Plant at least two different varieties to extend your season and ensure a better harvest.

How do I plan my feijoa season?

Plan your feijoa season ahead of time by selecting the ideal variety for your garden. Only the Unique variety is self-fertile. All other varieties need to cross-pollinate with at least one other variety which flowers/fruits at the same time to get fruit.