What is Swinstall command?

What is Swinstall command?

The swinstall command installs software from a software source (a depot or physical media) to your local host.

How do I remove a package from HP-UX?

Re: how to uninstall software in HP-UX system(Itanium) select the software -> hit ‘m’ key to mark it -> Go to ACTIONS menu -> Select REMOVE. Thats all.

How install package in HP Unix?


  1. Log in as root or superuser on your HP-UX machine.
  2. Use the command swinstall with specifying the source by using option -s.
  3. If you need help for swinstall command then type the swinstall -help as shown below.
  4. It will open the Interactive User Interface (UI), select the software from the list of software.

How do I install depot GZ file on HP-UX?

Install a DEPOT on HP-UX using swinstall

  1. Select the target location.
  2. Select the source.
  3. Select the depot file to install as shown in the figure.
  4. Mark the software for installation.
  5. Press ‘m’ to mark the software for installation.
  6. Install the software.
  7. Analysis – It will perform the analysis process.

How do I install a package on HP UX?

How do I install depot?

How to install software/depot on HP-UX using swinstall command?

swinstall command installs packages from a software source (a depot or physical media) to your localhost. swinstall command invokes GUI, follow the steps given below to install a software/depot on your HP-UX machine. Log in as root or superuser on your HP-UX machine.

How do I install kernel software in HP-UX?

Installing Kernel Software [Toc] [Back] In HP-UX, the kernel installation process requires that the system boots using the kernel at /stand/vmunix. Make sure that your system is booted to the /stand/vmunix kernel before you install any kernel software or perform an operating system update.

What is swinstall command in Linux?

The swinstall command installs software from a software source (a depot or physical media) to your local host. Optional GUI. Compatibility filtering to ensure the software will run on the installed system. Ability to perform kernel rebuilding or rebooting.

Why does swinstall automatically select a specific software for installation?

If a software _ selection specifies a dependency on other filesets and/or products, swinstall automatically select that software. By default, all dependencies must be resolved before swinstall can proceed. You can override this policy using the enforce_dependencies option.