What is Shapiro Shaik TFG trust?

What is Shapiro Shaik TFG trust?

Shapiro Shaik Defries and Associates (SSDA) has a strong presence in the South African Debt Collection Industry. We started with four collectors in 2004 and we now employ over 600 collectors.

What does SSDA do?

SSDA (Shapiro Shaik Defries & Associates) is a successful business in the inbound and outbound call centre industry and being based in Johannesburg, they could be the exact call centre that is perfect for you. SSDA has call centres that are ready and equipped to take on more clients each and every day.

What is Ssda stand for?


Acronym Definition
SSDA Small School Districts’ Association (Sacramento, CA)
SSDA Social Science Data Archives (Australian National University, now ASSDA)
SSDA Service Station Dealers of America
SSDA Synchronous Serial Data Adapter

How do I become a debt collector in South Africa?

An application for registration as a debt collector must be lodged with the Council on the prescribed form and must be accompanied by the registration fee and annual subscription fee prescribed by Regulation. No application will be finalized if the proof of payment is not attached.

Who is the Social Security Administration?

The Social Security Administration (SSA) is a U.S. government agency that administers social programs covering disability, retirement, and survivors’ benefits, among other services. It is also responsible for issuing Social Security numbers and managing the program’s finances and trust fund.

What debt collectors Cannot do in South Africa?

A debt collector is not allowed to: Physically threaten you or your family. Give, or threaten to give, information to the consumer’s employer that may affect their opportunities as an employee. Serve any false legal documents. Present themselves as police officers, sheriffs or officers of the court.

Do debt collectors get commission?

When consumers are not paying their debts, the companies that are owed call on the services of a debt collection agency. The agency charges a fee that is a percentage of the debt itself, usually between 10 and 50 percent, says Kiplinger.

What is the difference between SSI & SSA?

The major difference is that SSI determination is based on age/disability and limited income and resources, whereas SSDI determination is based on disability and work credits. In addition, in most states, an SSI recipient will automatically qualify for health care coverage through Medicaid.

How long can you legally be chased for a debt in South Africa?

three years
Time limitations The Statute of Limitation is three years in South Africa. Once this time period has elapsed the debtor can refuse to pay the outstanding account, unless summons has been issued by the courts prior to the expiration date.

How long before debt is written off in South Africa?

How long before a debt is written off in South Africa? In South Africa, there is what is known as prescribed debt, and in simple terms, this can refer to an old debt that has not received any acknowledgement for three years or more.