What is ScholarOne manuscripts site?

What is ScholarOne manuscripts site?

ScholarOne Manuscripts™ is the market leader in peer review software, used by over 365 societies and publishers, with authors submitting over 1.3 million manuscripts to journals online every year worldwide. It is hosted on 1,000 sites and, on average, 6,000 authors a month download the guide.

How do I submit a manuscript to ScholarOne?

Follow the steps below to complete your manuscript submission. If you have further questions, you can access ScholarOne Author support….

  1. Starting your ScholarOne Submission.
  2. Adding keywords on ScholarOne.
  3. Adding funding information.
  4. Adding co-authors.
  5. Uploading your files.
  6. Review and submit.

What is Manuscriptcentral?

Manuscript Central™ is an online system used by journal editorial offices to manage the submission and peer review of articles. It is a product. of the ScholarOne. ® platform of Thomson Reuters (http://scholarone.com/).

How much does ScholarOne cost?

Compare ScholarOne Pricing Against Competitors

Product name Starting price ($) Billed
Hightail 12 per month
Ziflow 9 per month
Jumpshare 8.25 per month

How do I make a ScholarOne account?

In order to create an account on a ScholarOne Manuscripts journal, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to your journal’s ScholarOne Manuscripts site.
  2. Click the Create Account link at the top left of the page.
  3. Supply the requested information.
  4. Take note of the User ID and Password you create so you can log back in later.

How do I submit a revised manuscript to Taylor and Francis?

To submit your manuscript, you need the following files:

  1. Your manuscript (including a title page with the names of all authors and co-authors)
  2. A main document file with abstract, keywords, main text and references, which should be kept anonymous if the journal you are submitting to uses double-blind peer review.

How do I link Orcid with scholar one?

How do I link my ORCID iD to my ScholarOne journal account?

  1. Log in to the journal’s submission site.
  2. Click your name at the top-right corner of the page.
  3. In the drop-down menu select Email/Name.
  4. Under the ORCID section, you will find two links: Create an ORCID iD and Associate your existing ORCID iD.

What is ScholarOne account?

We manage all our submissions and peer review through a web-based system called ScholarOne. It is really easy to set up your account and keep it up to date. Watch this video to find out how. ScholarOne now supports login and account creation via your ORCID iD. See our help guide for further details.

How do I submit an article for publication?

How to Publish an Article in a Magazine in 5 Steps

  1. Choose a topic you’re passionate about. Before you can see your byline in a magazine publication or website, you’ll need to come up with a great article idea.
  2. Research and write.
  3. Edit your article.
  4. Determine which publications to submit to.
  5. Submit your article.

What is ORCID no?

Your ORCID iD is a unique, open digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher with the same or a similar name to you. Your ORCID iD number is visible to everyone, displayed on your ORCID record below your name.

How do I submit my manuscript if my journal does not use ScholarOne?

If your journal doesn’t use ScholarOne Manuscripts, you can use our step-by-step guides to submitting your manuscript using Editorial Manager or Submission Portal. To submit your manuscript, you need the following files: Your manuscript (including a title page with the names of all authors and co-authors)

How do I submit a new manuscript to a journal?

If you have further questions, you can access ScholarOne Author support. 1. Starting your ScholarOne Submission Log on and click ‘Begin Submission’ to submit a new manuscript to a journal. You’ll need to complete all the stages to submit your manuscript. A red asterisk (*) indicates which fields must be completed.

How do I submit my manuscript to a journal with double-blind review?

If you are submitting to a journal that uses double-blind peer review, please save a full version of your manuscript (including title page and acknowledgements) as you would like it to appear when published and designate it as “not for review”. Read our additional guidance on preparing your manuscript for double-blind peer review.

Why do I need to add co-authors to my manuscript?

You must add all co-authors to ScholarOne Manuscripts when you submit your manuscript. This ensures they are included in our production system and fully acknowledged in the published article. Without author details if submitting to a journal that uses double-blind peer review. Please include: