What is daybook app?

What is daybook app?

Daybook is a FREE, passcode-protected personal diary, journal and notes app available for Android. Daybook helps to record activities, experiences, thoughts, and ideas throughout a day. It lets you organize your created diary/journal entries or notes from the past in the easiest way.

How did neontribe build daybook?

This was built by NeonTribe with Humanly’s support across three development sprints, with user testing in between each sprint to inform the next round of development. Daybook is a digital diary that enables people to keep a record of the things they do every day using photos, videos and text.

How was the first version of our digital diary built?

Based on this we used paper prototyping to design the first version of our own digital diary. This was built by NeonTribe with Humanly’s support across three development sprints, with user testing in between each sprint to inform the next round of development.