What is 96372 CPT code used for?

What is 96372 CPT code used for?

Subcutaneous and Intramuscular Injection Non-Chemotherapy Instead, the administration of the following drugs in their subcutaneous or intramuscular forms should be billed using CPT code 96372, (therapeutic, prophylactic, or diagnostic injection (specify substance or drug); subcutaneous or intramuscular).

Can CPT code 96372 Be bill with an office visit?

96372 is not a separately reimbursable service when billed with an office visit.

Can CPT code 96372 be billed twice?

The IM or SQ injection can be billed more than once or twice. If the drug is prepared and drawn up into two separate syringes and it is then administered in two individual injections in two distinct anatomic sites, you can bill two units of code 96372 (billing second unit with modifier 76).

What is the difference between CPT code 96372 and 90471?

CPT code 96372 is used for certain types of vaccinations. Most vaccinations are typically coded with 90471 or 90472. Medicare uses G0008 as the administration code for flu vaccinations.

Is CPT 96372 covered by Medicare?

A: Medicare requires the use of CPT code 96372 –Therapeutic, prophylactic, or diagnostic injection, specify substance or drug; subcutaneous or intramuscular for the administration of biologics. Medicare does allow for multiple units/injections using this code.

What is the CPT code for immunization administration?

90460: Immunization administration through 18 years of age via any route of administration, with counseling by physician or other qualified health care professional; first or only component of each vaccine or toxoid administered.

Is 96372 covered by Medicare?

Does 96372 need a modifier?

Answer: CPT code 96372… should be reported for each intramuscular (IM) injection performed. Modifier 59, Distinct Procedural Service, would be appended to the second and any subsequent injection codes listed on the claim form.

How do you bill for injection only?

The CPT code 96372 should be used–Therapeutic, prophylactic, or diagnostic injection. However, this billing code can get rejected at times, mainly for the following reason: the procedure code already includes a general assessment of the patient.

Can I bill an office visit with an injection?

You only need the documentation to support a significant encounter from the injection administration. You would never bill the E&M code and the Jcode for the drug only. If you cannot support a significant office encounter then you would bill the injection admin and the J code and not the E&M.

How do you bill for immunizations?

For every immunization injection a patient receives, with counseling by a qualified medical professional, you should bill the correct immunization procedure code (90476-90749) and a single unit of 90460.

What is the difference between CPT 90471 and 90472?

To report a single intramuscular vaccination, report 90471. To report three intramuscular injections, report 90471 for the initial intramuscular vaccination administration and 90472 x 2 for the additional intramuscular administrations.

What is the CPT code 96372?

The Current Procedural Terminology (CPT ®) code 96372 as maintained by American Medical Association, is a medical procedural code under the range – Therapeutic, Prophylactic, and Diagnostic Injections and Infusions (Excludes Chemotherapy and Other Highly Complex Drug or Highly Complex Biologic Agent Administration).

When to not report E/M code 96379?

Do not report 96365-96379 with any codes that describe a procedure of which IV push or infusion are a part. Hospitals may not report an E/M code in addition to 96372 or 96373 when the sole purpose of the visit is drug administration. This guidance should resolve any problems you were having with 96372.

What is the CPT code for intramuscular injection?

Answer: CPT code 96372… should be reported for each intramuscular (IM) injection performed. Therefore, if two or three injections are performed, it would be appropriate to separately report code 96372 for each injection.

What is the CPT code for sub Q injection?

Sub-Q infusions lasting 15 minutes or less are reported with the sub-Q/IM injection code for drug administration, 96372. Injection (including 96372) with Separate E/M All procedures are valued for reimbursement to include an assessment of the patient at the encounter (vital signs, appearance of the patient, etc.).