What habitat do massasauga live in?

What habitat do massasauga live in?

Habitat: Massasaugas live in wet areas including wet prairies, marshes and low areas along rivers and lakes. In many areas massasaugas also use adjacent uplands during part of the year. They often hibernate in crayfish burrows but may also be found under logs and tree roots or in small mammal burrows.

Where are massasauga rattlesnakes found?

The massasauga (Sistrurus catenatus) is a rattlesnake species found in midwestern North America from southern Ontario to northern Mexico and parts of the United States in between. Three subspecies are currently recognized including the nominate subspecies described here.

Where do rattlesnakes live?

Mexico, Central America, and South America are also homes to rattlesnakes. They live in a variety of habitats, including forest, grasslands, scrub brush, swamps, and deserts, and they are also capable swimmers. Almost all reptiles, including rattlesnakes, are ectothermic (cold-blooded).

Where do massasauga rattlesnakes live in Ontario?

Where it’s been found in Ontario. In Canada, the Massasauga is found only in Ontario, primarily along the eastern side of Georgian Bay and on the Bruce Peninsula. Two small populations are also found in the Wainfleet Bog on the northeast shore of Lake Erie and near Windsor.

Why is the Sistrurus Catenatus endangered?

Status: Threatened The eastern massasauga has been declining over the past three decades due to loss and fragmentation of its wetland habitat.

How venomous is a massasauga rattlesnake?

The venom of a massasauga is more toxic than that of most other rattlesnakes, but the amount it injects is relatively small compared to those snakes. These venom-less bites, called dry-bites, occur in about 25 percent (and possibly as high as 50 percent) of all rattlesnake bites.

What happens if you get bit by a massasauga rattlesnake?

A bite from a massasauga can be very painful and is potentially life threatening. The venom of a massasauga is more toxic than that of most other rattlesnakes, but the amount it injects is relatively small compared to those snakes. Venom, typically used by snakes to kill their prey, is expensive for snakes to produce.

Is the massasauga rattlesnake endangered?

Least ConcernMassasauga / Conservation status

Where do cobras live?

King cobras live in northern India, east to southern China, including Hong Kong and Hainan; south throughout the Malay Peninsula and east to western Indonesia and the Philippines. They prefer streams in dense or open forest, bamboo thickets, adjacent agricultural areas and dense mangrove swamps.

How poisonous is a massasauga rattlesnake?

Are milk snakes in Michigan?

Range and Status: Milk snakes are fairly common throughout the Lower Peninsula, but are rare in the Upper Peninsula.
