What fish can live with rainbow fish?

What fish can live with rainbow fish?

Melanotaeniid rainbowfish are peaceful yet active and get along with most similarly sized, non-aggressive fish. Different species can be mixed together and can also be kept with larger tetras, peaceful barbs, rasboras, danios, catfish and even non-aggressive cichlids such as Kribensis.

How many dwarf rainbow fish should be kept together?

This is because they do best in groups of 10 or more. It is advisable to keep these rainbow fish in a tank at least 20 inches long and ideally 20 or more gallons.

How many dwarf neon rainbowfish should be kept together?

Best maintained in groups of at least 6 specimens, they will add activity and colour to the top and middle levels of the tank.

Can dwarf rainbow fish live alone?

Unlike some fish that are better off solo, rainbowfish can live with other fish, and prefer to be in schools of five or more, said Claricoates.

Can Rainbow Fish live with angelfish?

Rainbow Kribensis are peaceful community fish that can get along well with Angelfish. These pretty African dwarf cichlids grow to around four inches in length and share a liking for softer water, making them compatible for life in the same setup as Angelfish.

What barbs are peaceful?

While some species can be boisterous, there are a number of peaceful species like cherry barbs, gold, checkerboard and pentazona barbs that make great community tank inhabitants. Males are typically smaller and more colorful, while females tend to be larger and heavier bodied.

Do dwarf neon rainbowfish eat shrimp?

They eat live smaller worms that size. Maybe they leave bigger shrimp alone. Yes they will eat them.

What is the smallest rainbow fish?

Dwarf Rainbow Fish
Dwarf Rainbow Fish are known for their large eyes and small size. Compared to other Rainbow Fish that typically reach 4 or more inches, the Dwarf Rainbow will only get to about 2 inches. The females tend to have yellow fins and be a little smaller with more silver.

Can guppies live with Rainbowfish?

The combination of Guppies and Rainbowfish works very well in the aquarium. They are quite popular as an aquarium fish due to their colorful nature. Rainbowfish stay in harmony with community fishes such as tetras and guppies. This is because of their peaceful nature.

Can rainbowfish live with platy?

The best rainbowfish tank mates are other rainbowfish, tetras, guppies, mollies, swordtails, platies, select catfish, danios (zebras or pearls), rasboras, barbs, kribensis, angelfish, dwarf gouramis, loaches, plecos, peacock gudgeons, caridina shrimp, neocaridina shrimp, and snails.

What are the best rainbowfish tank mates?

The best rainbowfish tank mates are other rainbowfish, tetras, guppies, mollies, swordtails, platies, select catfish, danios (zebras or pearls), rasboras, barbs, kribensis, angelfish, dwarf gouramis, loaches, plecos, peacock gudgeons, caridina shrimp, neocaridina shrimp, and snails.

Can rainbowfish live with dwarf gouramis?

Because larger gouramis are prone to aggression, dwarf gouramis are better suited to be tank mates with rainbowfish. Dwarf gouramis can live 4-6 years and grow up to 3.5 inches. Male gouramis tend to be aggressive with each other so it is recommended to only have one male gouramis per tank.

What fish can I keep with my dwarf neon rainbowfish?

There are a number of danios that will compliment Dwarf Neon Rainbowfish. They are very common in the aquarium keeping hobby so you should be able to find them at nearly any fish store, whether in person or online. Another fantastic option to keep with Dwarf Neon Rainbowfish are bottom feeders.

What is the best tank companion for a dwarf gourami?

So not only you are getting a good tank companion for the dwarf gouramis, but also a very healthy and undemanding fish which also looks great. Even their appearance would complement the gouramis perfectly – mollies are primarily black, which is paired nicely with all the colors of dwarf gouramis.