What does the word Exequatur mean?

What does the word Exequatur mean?

Definition of exequatur 1 : a written official recognition and authorization of a consular officer issued by the government to which he is accredited. 2 : permission granted by a sovereign for the exercise of a bishop’s functions under papal authority or for the publication of papal bulls.

What is the exequatur and for what purpose is it issued?

A certificate issued by a host state that admits and accords recognition to the official status of a consul, authorizing him to carry out consular functions in that country.

What is exequatur proceedings?

Exequatur is a procedure that makes a judicial decision or arbitral award made abroad enforceable on French territory.

WHO issues an exequatur?

An exequatur is a legal document issued by a sovereign authority that permits the exercise or enforcement of a right within the jurisdiction of the authority.

What is the meaning of exequatur?

Definition of exequatur. 1 : a written official recognition and authorization of a consular officer issued by the government to which he is accredited. 2 : permission granted by a sovereign for the exercise of a bishop’s functions under papal authority or for the publication of papal bulls.

What is an exequatur in international relations?

International relations. An exequatur is a patent which a head of state issues to a foreign consul, guaranteeing the consul’s rights and privileges of office and ensuring recognition in the state to which the consul is appointed to exercise such powers. If a consul is not appointed by commission, the consul receives no exequatur;

What is the 3rd person singular of Exequi?


What does exequatur mean for OSH?

Minister Aidarbekov handed in exequatur, which is a legal document that permits the exercise of a right within the jurisdiction of the authority. Foreign Minister Aidarbekov presents exequatur to newly arrived Consul General of China in Osh
