What does Susanna and the Elders represent?

What does Susanna and the Elders represent?

Susanna and the Elders, a 17th-century Italian painting by Artemisia Gentileschi, portrays the biblical story of Susanna, a virtuous Jewish woman preyed upon by two judges, important members of the community. Without her knowing, the men spied on her while she bathed.

What is the style of Susanna and the Elders?

Susanna and the Elders/Periods
Artemisia Gentileschi’s first known work, Susanna and the Elders, re-tells chapter 13 of the Book of Daniel — a popular theme in Renaissance and Baroque painting.

How many times did Artemisia Gentileschi paint Susanna and the Elders?

Gentileschi has been attributed to at least three artworks that she did on the subject Susanna and the Elders, which she painted between the years 1610 and the year 1649. Some of the modern-day painters say that she was inspired to paint the scene due to the fact it coincides with circumstances in her life.

Is Susanna and the Elders a Bible story?

Susanna and the Elders is a story from the Old Testament book of Daniel, but is only present in the Roman Catholic and Orthodox versions. In Shakespeare’s day it was not printed in any of the Protestant bibles. This painting captures a moment from the story.

Who was Susan in the Bible?

Susanna (/suˈzænə/, Greek: Σουσαννα, Sousanna) is one of the women associated with the ministry of Jesus of Nazareth. Susanna is among the women listed in the Gospel of Luke at the beginning of the 8th chapter (8:1–3) as being one of the women who provided for Jesus out of their resources.

Where is Susanna and the Elders located?

Schloss Weißenstein
Susanna and the Elders/Locations

When was Susanna and the Elders made?

Susanna and the Elders/Created

What did Susanna do in the Bible?

Summary. A fair Hebrew wife named Susanna was falsely accused by lecherous voyeurs. As she bathes in her garden, having sent her attendants away, two elders, having previously said goodbye to each other, bump into each other again when they spy on her bathing.

What kind of education did Artemisia Gentileschi have?

While living in Florence, Artemisia became the first woman to be accepted into the prestigious Accademia delle Arti del Disegno (the Academy of Arts and Drawing). This allowed her to purchase her artistic supplies without the permission of her husband and to sign her own contracts.

What was the message of the story of Susana?

In the Roman canon it is the penultimate chapter (13). Based on the traditional motif of the triumph of righteousness over sin, the story has two concurrent themes, of an innocent woman falsely accused of adultery, and of a wise judge.

What is the meaning of the name Susanna?

Susanna is a feminine first name, of Egyptian and Persian origin. It is the name of women in the Biblical books of Daniel and Luke. It is often spelled Susannah, although Susanna is the original spelling. It is derived from the Egyptian shoshen meaning “lotus flower”, Persian سوسن meaning “lily”.

Who is Susanna to Jesus?

What is Susanna and the elders about?

This is precisely the woman’s approach to both the portrayal of nature and the very interpretation of the subject. Susanna and the Elders is housed in the Weißenstein Castle now, a magnificent Baroque palace, the pearl of Bavaria, in the same collection as Titian, Rubens, and Van Dyck.

Who was Susanna in the Bible?

Susanna (after European tradition; in Hebrew — שׁוֹשַׁנָּה, Šošana) is a Jew woman who lived with her husband Joachim at the court of the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar. Like other Jews (including the prophet Daniel), they ended up in Babylon as captives, however, thanks to their talents, they were able to take a high position.

What happens to Susanna in the Crucible?

Two community elders have been spying on Susanna by hiding in her garden. When she comes out to bathe, they threaten that unless she has sex with them, they will publicly accuse her of adultery. The penalty for adultery was death. She refuses and their accusations lead to her being arrested.

Will Artemisia repeat the fate of the biblical Susanna?

And secondly, the artist’s obvious foresight: Artemisia would repeat the fate of the biblical Susanna very soon. Susanna (after European tradition; in Hebrew — שׁוֹשַׁנָּה, Šošana) is a Jew woman who lived with her husband Joachim at the court of the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar.