What does holding close to the vest mean?

What does holding close to the vest mean?

Definition of play/hold/keep one’s cards close to the/one’s chest/vest. : to keep one’s plans, ideas, etc., hidden from other people No one knows if he’s going to run for reelection. He’s still playing his cards close to his chest.

Where did the saying close to the vest come from?

“Close to the vest” is the original phrase and originated from poker players keeping their cards low on the table and close to their vests.

What does back the vest mean?

More In Retirement Plans An employee who is 100% vested in his or her account balance owns 100% of it and the employer cannot forfeit, or take it back, for any reason.

Should have played it closer to the vest?

play (it) close to the vest in American English to take no risks; be cautious, conservative, etc.

Is the saying close to the chest or close to the vest?

The answer: Both. There is no definitive answer to this question. While it appears that “close to the vest” appeared first, “close to the chest” followed almost immediately, and today, both are used with equal frequency.

What does joker in the pack mean?

phrase. If you describe someone or something as the joker in the pack, you mean that they are different from the other people or things in their group, and can be unpredictable.

Is the expression close to the chest or close to the vest?

What does it mean to keep things close to the chest?

Definition of hold/keep/play (something) close to one’s chest. : to keep (something) to oneself It’s better to hold such information close to the vest. She tends to keep her opinions close to her chest.

What do you mean by vest?

Definition of vest (Entry 1 of 2) 1a : a sleeveless garment for the upper body usually worn over a shirt. b : a protective usually sleeveless garment (such as a life preserver) that extends to the waist. c : an insulated sleeveless waist-length garment often worn under or in place of a coat.

What does it mean to play something close to the chest?

Definition of hold/keep/play (something) close to one’s chest. : to keep (something) to oneself It’s better to hold such information close to the vest. She tends to keep her opinions close to her chest.

What does close to the chest mean?

To keep one’s plans, intentions, or tactics secret from everyone else. Refers to holding one’s playing cards close to one’s chest in a card game, so as not to allow other players to see one’s hand.

What does it mean to hold someone close to your heart?

“Close to your heart” is an English idiom describing something or someone dearly loved. It can be used to describe anything that has earned a great deal of affection from a person, often through familiarity with it over time.

What does so close to the vest mean?

Q: What does so close to the vest mean? it means a person that keeps their motives a secret. Supposedly, it originates from poker where a player would hold their cards close to their body or ” vest ” so that other players can’t see your cards and know your motives.

What does ‘play it close to your vest’ mean?

play (something) close to (one’s)/the vest To keep one’s plans, intentions, or tactics secret from everyone else. Refers to holding one’s playing cards close to one’s chest in a card game, so as not to allow other players to see one’s hand.

Is it ‘close to the chest’ or ‘close to the vest’?

The phrase “close to the chest” may, in fact, be over-represented here due to medical and other bodily associations, so I would expect some blue-line inflation in the above graphs. Similarly, “close to the vest” almost certainly appears in some references to garment making and wearing.