What does Antigone say about pride?

What does Antigone say about pride?

Pride in one’s own honour is very prominent in the play, in Antigone and Haemon in particular. Antigone shows this early on in the play, where in her pride she refuses to obey the laws of the state, and rails against them to bury her dead brother, Polyneices.

How is loyalty shown in Antigone?

Some examples to show how Antigone is loyal to her family are: Creon is disloyal to his family, this is an example to show how Sophocles thinks it is not absolute. Even though Sophocles portrays some of his characters as loyal to their family, and they stay loyal, in the end they all suffer because of their loyalty.

Why is Antigone prideful?

In conclusion, Sophocles’ Antigone examines pride and the impact of this tragic flaw in the lives of those touched by it. On the one hand, Antigone’s pride revealed her heroic nature because she was willing to go against the law and do what she believed was morally right.

What are some quotes from Antigone?

Preview — Antigone by Sophocles

  • “Go then if you must, but remember, no matter how foolish your deeds, those who love you will love you still.”
  • “A man, though wise, should never be ashamed of learning more, and must unbend his mind.”
  • “There’s nothing in the world so demoralizing as money.”

Was Creon prideful?

In the past prideful rulers have caused more destruction and downfall than anything. Having pride may be good, but having to much can be the downfall of man. In the play Antigone, King Creon being overyly prideful ultimately leads to the death of himself emotionally.

What was the message of Antigone?

A central theme of Antigone is the tension between individual action and fate. While free choices, such as Antigone’s decision to defy Creon’s edict, are significant, fate is responsible for ma…

Who is Creon loyal to?

Creon believes that he is behaving patriotically throughout the play because he is refusing to favor his family over the interests of the city. In short, by refusing to bury his relative, Polynices, he is being loyal to the city since his decision is unclouded by the family connection.

What does Creon say about loyalty?

These are my principles. Never at my hands will the traitor be honored above the patriot. But whoever proves his loyalty to the state—I’ll prize that man in death as well as life.

How is Creon prideful?

Creon shows a couple of occasions when he has way to much pride; when Antigone and he sister are condemned to death for trying to give burial rights to their brother, but Creon has them arrested and does not care even though he is related to them. …

Does Antigone suffer from hubris?

Antigone thought she was doing right by her brother and the gods, but her pride pushes her to take her own life. While both felt justified, their intentions were controlled by pride and hubris, which masked the rationality of their choices and perspectives.

Why is Antigone a tragic hero with quotes?

The tragic hero, Antigone, is the tragic hero because she displays both good and bad throughout the greek tragedy Antigone. A quote that reveals she is good is “ This death of mine is of no importance; but If I had left my brother lying in death unburied, I should have suffered” ( 2. 69-71).

How is Antigone a tragic hero?

Antigone is a hero because she remains true both to the Gods and her brother. Even when faced with death, she refuses to go against either one, choosing to end her own life. Thus, she seals her testimony with her own blood and dies a tragic hero.

What is the most famous quote from Antigone?

Antigone Quotes Showing 1-30 of 130 “All men make mistakes, but a good man yields when he knows his course is wrong, and repairs the evil. The only crime is pride.” “Go then if you must, but remember, no matter how foolish your deeds, those who love you will love you still.” ―

What is Antigone’s attitude toward her family and culture?

At the beginning of the play, Antigone exhibits healthy pride for her family and culture, choosing to bury her brother Polyneices and face the possibility of death as a consequence from the newly appointed king. While her actions seem justified, her attitude slowly turns from confidence to a sickly pride that masks her rationality.

How does Ismene feel about Antigone’s death?

Antigone claims it’s ‘beautiful to die in such a pursuit,’ but her sister Ismene is not so sure. Ismene understands Antigone’s reasoning but refuses to help, offering her loyalty only through secrecy. This angers Antigone; she wants everyone to know she is a hero.

What is Antigone and Creon’s fatal flaw?

The characters Antigone and Creon from the play Antigone are tragic heroes that were unable to swallow their pride and let go of their stubborn ways. Let’s analyze the text to see where their pride originated and how something so seemingly positive became their fatal flaw. Are you a student or a teacher?