What climate zone is St Lucia in?

What climate zone is St Lucia in?

tropical zone
Saint Lucia is in the tropical zone, although its climate is moderated by northeast trade winds.

What biome is St Lucia?

Surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea, the mountainous landscape and tropical location of Saint Lucia have endowed the island with a range of terrestrial and aquatic habitats. Ecosystems range from dry cactus scrubs to rainforest, as well as mangroves and coral reefs.

In which climate zone is the Caribbean located?

The climate of the Caribbean generally is tropical, but there are great local variations, depending on mountain elevation, water currents, and the trade winds.

What is the climate in the Caribbean islands?

The Caribbean islands enjoy a hot, tropical climate all year round with average highs of about 28°C (82°F). Although there are variations across the region, the best time to visit the Caribbean is during its driest months which are usually from February to May, while July to November is the wettest period.

Is St Lucia south of the equator?

Location. Saint Lucia lies at approximately 13º north of the equator in the middle of Windward Islands chain. Our nearest neighbours are: Martinique 21 miles to the north.

How far is St Lucia from equator?

Distance facts How far is Saint-Lucia from the equator and on what hemisphere is it? Saint-Lucia is 961.05 mi (1,546.66 km) north of the equator, so it is located in the northern hemisphere.

Where is Saint Lucius?

the Caribbean Sea
Saint Lucia, island state in the Caribbean Sea. It is the second largest of the Windward group in the Lesser Antilles and is located about 24 miles (39 km) south of Martinique and some 21 miles (34 km) northeast of Saint Vincent.

Which island does not belong to the Greater Antilles?

Jamaica lies to the south of Cuba, while the Cayman Islands are located to the west. The state of Florida is the closest point in the U.S mainland to the Greater Antilles, while the Florida Keys, though not part of the Greater Antilles, is an island group north of Cuba.

What climate is Central America and the Caribbean?

tropical maritime
Central America and the Caribbean span the deep tropics and subtropics. Because of the tropical maritime location temperature changes throughout the region are generally small, and rainfall is by far the most important meteorological element.

What is the climate in the Caribbean lowlands?

The Caribbean lowlands have a tropical wet climate with consistently high temperatures and humidity, and rainfall fairly evenly distributed throughout the year. The Pacific lowlands have a tropical wet and dry climate with high temperatures but a distinct dry season from November through April.