What are the statutory duties of a directors?

What are the statutory duties of a directors?

Duties of Director of a Company

  • Duty to act in the best interests of the Company.
  • Duty NOT to misapply company assets.
  • Duty NOT to make secret profits.
  • Duty of confidentiality.
  • Duty to NOT permit conflict of interest.
  • Duty to attend meetings.
  • Duty NOT to exceed powers.

What are the legal duties of a director of a company?


  • overseeing control and accountability;
  • developing strategy and performance objectives;
  • overseeing systems of risk management and internal compliance and control, codes of conduct and legal compliance;

What is statutory duty to a company?

Definition: in the broadest sense, means the laws, according to which a company must operate. In business, statutory duty oftentimes signifies an obligation that is imposed on company’s directors by the corporate legislation.

What is the difference between a director and a statutory director?

A ‘de jure’ director is a person that is legally entitled to be a director because they’ve been formally appointed in law as a director or in accordance with the articles of association of the company. A statutory director is therefore a de jure director.

What are the different duties of a director in a company as per the Companies Act 2013?

  • Protecting and promoting interests of all and specially for Minority Stakeholders.
  • Acting as a mediator in case of Conflict of Interest amongst the stakeholders.
  • Assistance in forwarding independent and equitable judgement to the Board of Directors.
  • Adequate attention towards related party transactions.

What does it mean to be listed as a director?

Your responsibilities to Companies House As a director, you’re legally responsible for running the company and making sure information is sent to us on time. This includes: the confirmation statement. the annual accounts, even if they’re dormant. any change in your company’s officers or their personal details.

What are the three types of directors?

For start-ups and high growth businesses there are three types of directors available to them – the executive director, the non-executive director, and the independent director.

What is the difference between a director and company director?

In simple terms, company directors are the people who ‘direct’ the business on behalf of its members (shareholders/guarantors). Directors do not own the company – it is the members who own the business. However, directors and members are very often the same people.

Is a director an employer?

Company directors are officially classed as officeholders. Even if you’re a sole director of a small company and you run the business all by yourself, you are not automatically an employee of the company.

What are the three primary functions of a board of directors?

Just as for any corporation, the board of directors of a nonprofit has three primary legal duties known as the “duty of care,” “duty of loyalty,” and “duty of obedience.”

Are all directors Company directors?

Directors are not just those who are registered as directors at Companies House. They are anyone who acts as a director, whether they are called directors or not. They include directors who have been appointed by the company but never properly registered.

What are the duties of a company director?

The first of these duties is that a director must act within their powers under the company’s constitution. The most important part of the company’s constitution is the articles of association. These are an important set of rules for your company and for your board.

What are the general statutory duties of a director?

But there are also certain general statutory duties, the aim of which is to protect shareholders, which directors are personally subject to in managing the affairs of the company, and with which they must also comply. What are directors’ general statutory duties?

What are a director’s disclosure obligations?

Most importantly, directors have a statutory duty to disclose any direct or indirect interest in proposed or existing transactions or arrangements with the company.

When is a company’s duty to its directors not infringed?

The duty is not infringed however if the company has given proper informed consent or the specific situation cannot, on proper analysis, reasonably be regarded as likely to give rise to a conflict; not to accept benefits from third parties – which arise from being a director or doing, or not doing, something as a director;