What are the signs and symptoms of diabetes?

What are the signs and symptoms of diabetes?

Diabetes Symptoms. 1 Urinate (pee) a lot, often at night. 2 Are very thirsty. 3 Lose weight without trying. 4 Are very hungry. 5 Have blurry vision. 6 Have numb or tingling hands or feet. 7 Feel very tired. 8 Have very dry skin. 9 Have sores that heal slowly. 10 Have more infections than usual.

When should I see a doctor about my diabetes symptoms?

If you have any of the following diabetes symptoms, see your doctor about getting your blood sugar tested: Urinate (pee) a lot, often at night. Are very thirsty. Lose weight without trying. Are very hungry. Have blurry vision. Have numb or tingling hands or feet.

Why do people overlook the warning signs of type 2 diabetes?

For these reasons, many people mistakenly overlook the warning signs. They also might think that the symptoms are the signs of other conditions, like aging, overworking or hot weather. Treatment for type 2 diabetes focuses on improving ways to better use the insulin the body already produces to normalize blood sugar levels.

What are the symptoms of digital sclerosis in diabetes?

When this develops on the fingers, toes, or both, the medical name for this condition is digital sclerosis. On the hands, you’ll notice tight, waxy skin on the backs of your hands. The fingers can become stiff and difficult to move. If diabetes has been poorly controlled for years, it can feel like you have pebbles in your fingertips.

What are the symptoms of prediabetes and Type 2 diabetes?

Some people, especially those with prediabetes or type 2 diabetes, may sometimes not experience symptoms. In type 1 diabetes, symptoms tend to come on quickly and be more severe. Some of the signs and symptoms of type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes are: Increased thirst. Frequent urination.

Can diabetes cause tingling in hands and feet?

In women with diabetes, bladder and vaginal yeast infections may occur more often. Too much glucose in your blood can affect the function of your nerves. You may notice tingling and loss of sensation (numbness) in your hands and feet, as well as burning pain in your arms, hands, legs and feet.

Signs and symptoms of diabetes include going to the bathroom frequently, being unusually thirsty, losing weight without trying, feeling tired or irritable, blurred vision, frequent illness or infection and poor circulation such as tingling or numbness in the feet or hands. If you have these symptoms, see a doctor immediately.

What are the changes in lifestyle to prevent diabetes?

The changes are Losing weight and keeping it off. Weight control is an important part of diabetes prevention. You may be able to prevent or delay diabetes by losing 5 to 10 percent of your current weight. For example, if you weigh 200 pounds, your goal would be to lose between 10 to 20 pounds.

What are some healthy eating tips to help manage diabetes?

General healthy eating tips to help manage diabetes include: 1 Limit foods that are high in added sugar. 2 Select smaller portions, spread out over the day. 3 Make your carbs count by choosing whole grains, fruit and vegetables over sugary drinks and refined,… 4 Enjoy a variety of whole-grain foods, fruits and vegetables every day.

How can I prevent or delay diabetes?

Losing weight and keeping it off. Weight control is an important part of diabetes prevention. You may be able to prevent or delay diabetes by losing 5 to 10% of your current weight. For example, if you weigh 200 pounds, your goal would be to lose between 10 to 20 pounds.