What are the characteristics of a globally competent citizen?

What are the characteristics of a globally competent citizen?

Characteristics of a globally competent individual include the following:

  • Life-long learners.
  • Embraces cultural differences.
  • Adaptability.
  • Understanding of multiple perspectives.
  • Comfortable with change and ambiguity.
  • Problem solvers.
  • Uses critical and comparative thinking skills.

What is a globally competent citizen?

Global competence is the skills, values, and behaviors that prepare young people to thrive in a more diverse, interconnected world. In a rapidly changing world, the ability to be engaged citizens and collaborative problem solvers who are ready for the workforce is essential.

What are the 3 global competencies?

We place global competencies in three general categories: knowledge, attitudes, and skills needed to function effectively within an international context.

What are the 4 dimensions of global competence?

The four dimensions of global competence are supported by four inseparable factors: knowledge, skills, attitudes and values.

What are the importance of being globally competent?

The world is more interconnected and interdependent and students need to be globally competent to succeed. This means that students need the awareness, skills and knowledge to understand, navigate and flourish in this increasingly global economy.

What are the most important characteristics of a globally competitive student?

Exhibits cross-cultural sensitivity and adaptability In addition to foreign language skills, the globally competent student exhibits both cross-cultural sensitivity and adaptability because s/he takes advantage of opportunities to interact with diverse individuals.

What are the elements of globally competent teaching?

Examples of globally competent teaching practices include: (1) Empathy and valuing multiple perspectives; (2) A commitment to promoting equity worldwide; (3) An understanding of global conditions and current events; (4) The ability to engage in intercultural communication; and (5) A classroom environment that values …

What are the 10 global competencies?

Global competencies:

  • Self-awareness. Global citizens reflect on their own actions and attitudes and how those have been shaped over time.
  • Respect for difference.
  • Sense of global connection.
  • Curiosity.
  • Flexibility.
  • Effective and appropriate communication.
  • Analytical and critical thinking.
  • Empathy.

How do you become globally competent?

Globally competent students must have the knowledge and skills to:

  1. Investigate the World. Global competence starts by being aware, curious, and interested in learning about the world and how it works.
  2. Weigh Perspectives.
  3. Communicate Ideas.
  4. Take Action.
  5. Apply Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Expertise.

What are some global competencies?

7 Global Competencies

  • Appreciation of culture.
  • Evaluation of information.
  • Cross-cultural communication skills.
  • Perspective taking skills.
  • Intelligent humility.
  • Divergent thinking.
  • Technological literacy.

What is an example of global competence?

Some examples from the GCC’s global competence matrix are: appreciation for cultural differences, ability to understand and consider multiple perspectives, capacity for highly critical and analytical thinking, comfort with ambiguity and change, and understanding the complexity of global issues.

What do globally competent students look like?

The concept of global competence articulates the knowledge and skills students need in the 21st century. Globally competent students must have the knowledge and skills to: Investigate the World. Global competence starts by being aware, curious, and interested in learning about the world and how it works.

What are the characteristics of a responsible global citizen?

Below are their answers word-for-word concerning their opinions about the characteristics of responsible global citizens. Students need to have the proper attitude, skills, and knowledge. The attitude comprises compassion and understanding. Dr. Ed Gragert, Previous Executive Director of iEARN-US (USA): The most important characteristic is respect.

What is globally competent competence?

Global competence is having the skills and knowledge needed to navigate through an ever more connected world. Let’s learn about some characteristics that globally competent individuals typically share. Like Maria, globally competent individuals are life-long learners. Most are well-traveled and are familiar with cultural differences.

What is global citizenship and why is it important?

The definitive goal of global citizenship for students is to actively participate in the world, and to work for progress. This is why original thought is so fundamental to the process. Through educational travel, it is possible for students to observe global problems and consider them.

How do globally competent individuals deal with ambiguity in life?

Globally competent individuals accept changes and are able to deal well with ambiguities in life. Seeing an ambiguity from different perspectives gives them a better overall view of the situation from which these individuals can make a well-informed decision.