What are DB scripts?

What are DB scripts?

The Database Scripts project is a series of command line scripts which will dump, erase, restore and merge databases. They are specifically set up to work the best when developing within a version control environment. The primary goals are to: keep the database in sync with code. preserve ability to use the web GUI.

How do I prepare for SQL Server DBA interview?

Preparing for SQL DBA Interview

  1. Fresher/Junior – Should know the basics of process and technology.
  2. Mid-Level – Should be able to expertise in one or two areas and know the process.
  3. Senior Level – Should be expertise in technology and able to drive the process.

Does a DBA need to know SQL?

Although application programmers usually write SQL, DBAs are likely to be blamed for poor performance. Therefore, DBAs must possess in-depth SQL knowledge so they can understand and review SQL and host language programs in order to recommend changes for optimization.

What are the typical daily tasks of SQL Server DBA?

The Top 10 SQL Server DBA Daily Tasks

  • Check SQL Server Instance Up-time.
  • Check Last Full, Differential and Log Backup Times.
  • Check Failed SQL Agent Jobs in the Last 24 Hours.
  • Check Current Log for Failed Logins.
  • Check for Blocked Processes.
  • Check Top N Queries Based on Average CPU Time.
  • Check Drive Volumes Space.

How do I write a SQL script?

To create an SQL script in the Script Editor:

  1. On the Workspace home page, click SQL Workshop and then SQL Scripts. The SQL Scripts page appears.
  2. Click the Create button.
  3. In Script Name, enter a name for the script.
  4. Enter the SQL statements, PL/SQL blocks you want to include in your script.
  5. Click Create.

How do I run a SQL script?

To execute a script from the SQL Scripts page:

  1. On the Workspace home page, click SQL Workshop and then SQL Scripts.
  2. From the View list, select Details and click Go.
  3. Click the Run icon for the script you want to execute.
  4. The Run Script page appears.
  5. Click Run to submit the script for execution.

What is SQL Server DBA?

SQL Server Database Administrators are responsible for the design, implementation, support and maintenance of SQL Server Databases. DBA are also responsible for security, performance and availability of data to users and customers.

What is SQL DBA role and responsibility?

SQL Server DBA duties and responsibilities Manage SQL Server databases. Configure and maintain database servers and processes. Monitor system’s health and performance. Ensure high levels of performance, availability, sustainability and security. Analyze, solve, and correct issues in real time.

Is DBA Job dying?

No. The DBA job is not going away.

What every DBA should know?

8 Things Every Beginner Oracle DBA Should Know

  • Installing and configuring Oracle.
  • Basic monitoring and tuning.
  • Backing up and recovering databases.
  • Basic understanding of database security issues.
  • Database design.
  • Good knowledge of DBMS series of packages.
  • Command over SQL and PL/SQL.
  • Wizards & GUI vs.

What is SQL Server checklist?

Check system uptime (just in case I need to check anything as a DBA) Check the last backup. Check the transaction log backups. Check the status of SQL Jobs. Check the average CPU usage for the last 24 hours (or 1140 mins)

What is the difference between SQL and SQL script?

Companies like Oracle and IBM have developed their own enhancements for the SQL language. Similarly, SQLScript is SAP’s enhancement of the ANSI SQL standard for the SAP HANA database. These languages provide a way for blocks of statements to be stored as functions or procedures and executed repeatedly.

How do I create a SQL Server script?

To create an SQL script in the Script Editor: On the Workspace home page, click SQL Workshop and then SQL Scripts. Click the Create button. Enter a name for the script in the Script Name field. Enter the SQL statements, PL/SQL blocks you want to include in your script. Click Save to save your script to the repository.

Is SQL Server required?

SQL Server requires a minimum of 6 GB of available hard-disk space. Disk space requirements will vary with the SQL Server components you install. For more information, see Hard Disk Space Requirements later in this article.

What is a syntax in SQL Server?

SQL is a declarative language, therefore, its syntax reads like a natural language. An SQL statement begins with a verb that describes the action, for example, SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE. Following the verb are the subject and predicate.

What does a SQL Server database administrator do?

A structured query language (SQL) server database administrator is responsible for managing the users and resources of this type of database.