Is Outward Bound still a thing?

Is Outward Bound still a thing?

From its sailing roots in Britain, Outward Bound now operates programs in about 30 countries. Each is tailored to the culture of its country. In the U.S., Outward Bound operates from the Pacific Northwest to the coast of Maine, and from the Sierra of California to the Everglades of Florida.

Has anyone ever died on Outward Bound?

And, after all, no one had ever died on Outward Bound. Since Outward Bound staged its first U.S. excursion in 1962, some 24 people have lost their lives on its trips.

Is NOLS or Outward Bound better?

Outward Bound is a better place to go for a group cry.” The difference between outdoor education’s two biggest schools is philosophical. While Outward Bound leans more toward emotional development of its students, NOLS emphasizes technical prowess. NOLS sticks to teaching wilderness skills.

How do you qualify for Outward Bound?

To work at Outward Bound you’d be expected to have outdoor education skills as well as superb people skills. We recruit once a year and go through a staff selection process. This involves suitable candidates attending a short course at Anakiwa and working with our selection team. More information on staff selection.

Is Outward Bound a nonprofit organization?

You Are Needed Outward Bound USA is a non-profit educational organization that advances the vision of our founder, Kurt Hahn, the mission of Outward Bound across the USA, and provides services and funding in support of eleven regional Outward Bound schools.

How many days is Outward Bound?

Outward Bound expeditions range in length from one week to 12 weeks. Everyone should have access to life-changing Outward Bound wilderness experiences, and for that reason we accommodate a variety of schedules, skill levels and time commitments.

Is outward bound a non profit?

Is Outward Bound safe?

The injury rates in Outward Bound compare favorably with those in other sports; well supervised wilderness experiential education is as safe as, or safer than, other activities of urban youth.

Is Outward Bound a camp?

Outward Bound California is not a summer camp or a guided expedition. Our experiential education programs are designed to change lives through challenge and discovery, whether the course itself is one day or 50 days long. Many of our alumni tell us that Outward Bound California changed their life.

How much do Outward Bound instructors make?

The top of our instructional pay scale is $142/day; starting salary for Assistant Instructors is $64 per day. Starting salary for Logistics Staff is $50/day.

How long is Outward Bound?

Who owns Outward Bound?

founder Kurt Hahn
This simple idea of our founder Kurt Hahn provides the guiding principle for all Outward Bound experiences. Each Outward Bound course is much more than just learning technical skills; it is designed to be an incredible and indelible journey of personal development and discovery.