How much it cost for train from Munich to Paris?

How much it cost for train from Munich to Paris?

Munich to Paris by train

Journey time From 5h 38m
Price From €32.90
Distance 424 miles (683 km)
Frequency 15 trains per day
First train 00:01

Is there an overnight train from Paris to Munich?

There is no Paris to Munich night train, so your best option would be to take the Amsterdam to Munich City Night Line. It is an easy connection from Paris to Amsterdam using the high speed Thalys train.

How far is Paris from Munich by plane?

432 miles
A direct flight to Munich will take on average 1h 25m to travel the 432 miles flying distance from Paris.

Is the train from Munich to Paris scenic?

Although they’re in two different countries, the route from Munich to Paris is a path frequently traveled. Besides flying, taking the train is the second fastest way to travel (with the quickest service taking six hours) and is guaranteed to provide you with some stunning scenery along the way.

How far is Switzerland from Paris by train?

Paris to Zurich Hb by train

Journey time From 4h 4m
Distance 303 miles (488 km)
Frequency 15 trains per day
First train 07:22
Last train 20:25

What is the distance from Munich to Paris?

Distance from Paris to Munich. Distance between Paris and Munich is 684 kilometers (425 miles). Driving distance from Paris to Munich is 836 kilometers (520 miles).

How long is the train ride from Geneva to Munich?

The average travel time between Munich and Geneva is 8h12 minutes. The quickest route is 7h25 minutes. The first train leaving Munich is at 05:27, the last at 16:33. There is an average of 13 trains a day between Munich and Geneva, leaving approximately every 1h08 minutes.

Is there a train from Munich to Italy?

The Munich Hauptbahnhof has several suburban stations, but most international trains stop only at the Hauptbahnhof. These trains offer direct service to and from Italy to Verona, Rome, Florence and Bologna. The most popular trains are from Munich to Florence and from Venice to Munich.

Munich Hbf to Paris by train

Journey time From 5h 38m
Price From $39.07
Distance 424 miles (683 km)
Frequency 15 trains per day
First train 00:01

Is the train from Paris to Munich scenic?

How do I get from Paris to Munich?

The average train time from Munich to Paris is 8h 20m, although it takes just 5h 37m on the fastest Deutsche Bahn ICE services. There are around 14 trains per day running from Munich in Germany to Paris in France, the first train leaves Munich Hbf at 03:20 and the last train leaves at 19:28.

How far is Switzerland from Munich by train?

Munich Hbf to Zurich Hb by train

Journey time From 3h 32m
Distance 150 miles (241 km)
Frequency 38 trains per day
First train 00:01
Last train 23:50

How many days should I spend in Munich?

As a general rule of thumb, three full days in Munich is enough to see the most important highlights in Bavaria’s capital. You will have enough time to explore the old town, some of the most important museums, the fabulous Nymphenburg palace, the BMW world, etc.

What is there to see between Paris and Munich?

The top stops along the way from Paris to Munich (with short detours) are Neuschwanstein Castle, Cathédrale Notre Dame de Strasbourg, and Europa-Park. Other popular stops include Parc Walt Disney Studios, Mercedes-Benz Museum, and Heidelberg Palace.

Can you sleep on the train in Europe?

Night trains offer a comfortable way to travel by night. From reclining seats to private sleeping cabins, there’s a travel option for every wish and budget. Most European night trains are included in the Eurail passes.

How much is a train from Paris to Germany?

Paris to Frankfurt (Main) Hbf by train

Journey time From 4h 53m
Price From $35.39
Distance 296 miles (477 km)
Frequency 16 trains per day
First train 06:13