How do you write a good introduction for a science report?

How do you write a good introduction for a science report?

The Introduction should:provide the context and motivation for the experiment.briefly explain relevant theory in sufficient detail.introduce any relevant laws, equations or theorems.clearly state the aim or research question that the experiment is designed to address.

How do you write an introduction for a lab report in microbiology?

Most microbiology lab reports do not have an Introduction and begin with the Purpose section. However, if your instructor does request an Introduction, it should not exceed 4-6 sentences. Concisely explain the nature of your experiment, the findings you reached, and why the experiment was important.

How long should a lab report Introduction be?

Introduction of Your Lab Report It could be anywhere from three or four paragraphs to a couple pages long, depending on the complexity of the topic and, of course, the requirements of your instructor. Here are some tips for organizing your introduction: Start off with a very broad introduction to the topic.