How do I report someone on IMO?

How do I report someone on IMO?

Alternatively, you may also send an informal e-mail message to Rainer Arlt at [email protected] with a report similar in style to the electronic form. Do not wait until the end of the year before submitting your results.

What is maritime report?

Anyone in charge of a ship must report any accidents or incidents to the Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB). This includes any: collisions. breakdown.

When and whom do you report marine incidents?

A marine incident must be reported to a shipping inspector in the approved form (Form F3071) by the owner within 48 hours of the marine incident occurring where the incident involves the loss or presumed loss or abandonment of a ship. In all other instances, the master must report the marine incident.

What is ship reporting requirements?

Ship reporting systems and reporting requirements are used to provide, gather or exchange information through radio reports. The information is used to provide data for many purposes including search and rescue, vessel traffic services, weather forecasting and prevention of marine pollution.

What incidents should be reported to AMSA?

Collision of a vessel with another vessel. Collision by a vessel with an object. The grounding, sinking, flooding or capsizing of a vessel. Fire on board a vessel.

What is a ship accident called?

Ship collision is the name given to the physical impact that occurs between two ships resulting in a damaging accident. When a ship collision occurs it has immeasurable consequences.

How do you make a marine incident report?

Incident reporting includes two simple steps for AMSA:

  1. Submit incident alert: As soon as possible and within 4 hours after becoming aware of the incident, submit Form 18—Incident alert.
  2. Submit incident report: Within 72 hours after becoming aware of the incident, submit Form 19— Incident report.

What classes of ships are required to make ship reports?

are required to make reports? Each self-propelled ship of 300 gross tons or greater must participate in the reporting systems, except government ships exempted from reporting by regulation V/8-1(c) of SOLAS. However, exempt.

What is Indsar?

Indian Ship Reporting System (INDSAR). This is a supplementary and an advance computerized system designed to contribute to safety of life/timely search and rescue operations at sea. This system is operated and maintained by the Indian Coast Guard through their Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre (MRCC) at Mumbai.

What is blackout in ship?

Blackout condition is a scenario on a ship, wherein the main propulsion plant and associate machineries such as boiler, purifier and other auxiliaries stop operating due to failure of power generation system of the ship – Generator and alternator.

Is Imo required to provide reports on Marine Casualty and incidents?

Providing IMO with reports on marine casualty and incidents is a treaty obligation for Parties to a number of IMO instruments and the requirement to report is set out in provisions such as SOLAS 1974 regulation I/21, MARPOL articles 8 and 12, LL 1966/1988 article 23 as well as chapter 14 of the Casualty Investigation Code.

What is an investigation under the IMO Convention?

1. Introduction Under IMO conventions each flag State has a duty to conduct an investigation into any casualty occurring to any of its ships when it judges that such an investigation may assist in determining what changes in the present regulations may be desirable or if such a casualty has produced a major deleterious effect upon the environment.

Who must submit the final version of marine safety investigation reports?

Under the above-mentioned mandatory provisions of the Casualty Investigation Code, marine safety investigating State (s) shall submit the final version of marine safety investigation reports to the Organization, for all marine safety investigations conducted into very serious marine casualties.

What is IMO and why is it important?

IMO encourages full cooperation between States in the conduct of investigations, the recognition of mutual interest and the exchange of information regarding investigations. The IMO legal framework provides a common and consistent approach for States to adopt in the conduct of marine safety investigations.