How do I manage risky file downloads in Sophos Central Admin?

How do I manage risky file downloads in Sophos Central Admin?

Log in to Sophos Central Admin. Go to Policies. If there are multiple policies and the customer doesn’t know which policy applies, it’s recommended to search for the user by name. Once the policy has been identified, click Web Control. Check the File Type Access section and then the Risky file downloads options selected.

Why am I getting error code 1603 in Sophos Update Manager?

On the actual update manager server itself I see the following errors in the application event log Failed to update Sophos Update Manager because the installer returned error code 1603. The Sophos Update Manager service will be restarted. 1603 is a MSI installer permissions error.

What are the error messages for the Sophos cloud installer?

Failed to download the installer A similar error below can be seen in the file SophosCloudInstaller.log file ( C:\\ProgramData\\Sophos\\CloudInstaller\\Logs). ERROR : Exception: Failed to download stage-2 archive. Status code: –: Failed to connect with any proxy: certificate check failure

Does Sophos central support iOS and Android devices?

Sophos Central provides a Mobile Device Management (MDM) product only at this time. There’s no Web Control on iOS or Android at this time. For more information on what to check, see Understanding and troubleshooting policy compliance of devices managed by Sophos Central.

How to test if Sophos web control functionality is working?

This depends on the configured policy in Sophos Central, the test that needs to be performed may differ. This answer provides the most common way to test Web Control functionality is working. Use the malware test page to test the category classification. The Sophos Anti-Virus.log file in /Library/Logs/ can be checked.

How do I know if an audio file is corrupted?

How to Check If Our Audio File Is Corrupted It’s easy to determine if the file is corrupted, just look at the properties of the audio file. Step 1 Open the folder where the corrupt Audio file is stored, find the corrupt Audio file. Step 2 Right-click the corrupt Audio file and select Properties.

What should I do if my Sophos product is not working?

As a result of this type of damage, you may have to reinstall software that is no longer working correctly. For Sophos products, check that they are updating correctly and reporting their status to your console. Resolve any errors and if a re-installation is required, do this as soon as possible.