How do I access DrayTek router?

How do I access DrayTek router?

How to login my Vigor Router

  1. Connect a computer to one of the router’s LAN ports by an Ethernet cable.
  2. Make sure the network interface is using an IP in the 192.168.
  3. Open a browser on the computer.
  4. After logging in, you will access the management page of the router.

How do I access my DrayTek router remotely?

Access the router from the Internet Open a browser, input https://[the router’s WAN IP] in the address bar, and hit Enter. You should see the login page of the router’s Web-based UI.

What is the default IP of DrayTek router?

DrayTek Access Point’s will receive an IP Address via DHCP automatically or if they are unable to contact a DHCP server they will use 192.168. 1.2 by default.

How do I ping my DrayTek router?

You can send Pings from the MS-DOS prompt the router by typing PING followed by the router’s IP address, as shown below….How can I use Ping to test my connection?

  1. From PC to Router ( e.g. ping 192.168. 1.1 )
  2. From PC to external IP address (e.g. ping 194.153. 0.18 )
  3. From PC to external URL (e.g. ping

How do I open a DrayTek config file?

To restore the saved configuration of a DrayTek Vigor router, go to [System Maintenance] > [Configuration Backup] and click “Browse…” to locate the configuration file on the computer. Click the Restore button to load the configuration on the router.

What is the default password for DrayTek router?

Logging onto a Draytek router The IP address for the Draytek routers available from Gradwell is 192.168. 1.1 (as below). You will then be directed to the web interface for the device and you will need to log in. The default Username for the device is ‘admin’ and the default password will be the same (see below).

How do I reset my DrayTek router?

With the router powered on (ACT LED blinking), press the Factory Reset button with a pin, hold a few seconds until the ACT LED starts blinking rapidly, then release the button. After that, the router will restart with the default configuration.

How do I access my router via WAN port?

To access the Router, you should enter your Router’s WAN IP address into your browser’s address (in IE) or location (in Netscape) box and the custom port number. For example, if your Router’s WAN address is 202.96. 12.8 and you use port number 8080, enter in your browser.

How do I use remote management on my router?

Enabling Remote Management on a Linksys router

  1. Access the router’s web-based setup page.
  2. On the setup page, click Administration.
  3. For added security, change the Router Password and re-enter to confirm.
  4. Look for Remote Management and click Enabled.
  5. Click Save Settings.
  6. Access the router’s web-based setup page.

How can I access my DrayTek router via telnet?

It is possible to access all models of DrayTek router via Telnet, which is an un-encrypted TCP/IP protocol for accessing a command line interface. DrayTek Vigor routers from the Vigor 2820 / 2920 and later support accessing the router’s SSH (Secure SHell) interface, which is similar to Telnet with additional encryption and authentication.

How do I set up Telnet on my router?

Press the Start button, then Run, then enter TELNET.EXE (assuming that’s the router’s IP address) and the telnet program will open. For other operating systems, suitable Telnet programs are either included or available on the Internet as free downloads.

How do I set up Telnet on my Vigor2000?

Press the Start button, then Run, then enter TELNET.EXE (assuming that’s the router’s IP address) and the telnet program will open. For other operating systems, suitable Telnet programs are either included or available on the Internet as free downloads. This applies to the Vigor2000 only.

What is the Telnet interface?

The Telnet interface is a ‘command line’ type interface which gives a prompt at which you enter commands line by line, according to command syntax. The scrolling display method is ideal for longer diagnostic log output compared to fixed pages of the WUI.