Does Intelius actually work?

Does Intelius actually work?

Is Intelius legit? Intelius is a legitimate, accredited business with an A rating from the Better Business Bureau, and not a scam.

Can someone see if you search them on Intelius?

Intelius guarantees anonymity so all searches are private. It is confidential information that no one is allowed to see. Nobody can get to know that people had searched for them. Click Here To Visit Intelius Official Site Find people instantly, property search, background checks and reverse phone lookup.

Is Intelius phone lookup legit?

Intelius is as accurate as possible. It pulls from public information, so its information is only as up-to-date as the public data is. That said, customers sometimes report that there is missing information in reports.

How much is Intelius a month?

Intelius Pricing & Plans

Subscription plan No. of reports Pricing
Reverse Phone Number Lookup 1 Depend on the information required
24-Hour People Search Plan Unlimited $19.95
Intelius Premier (Monthly Subscription) Unlimited $19.95
Intelius Premier Plus (Monthly Subscription) Unlimited $29.95

Which is better Intelius or been verified?

Intelius and BeenVerified each speak to a different target audience. But in terms of pricing, BeenVerified takes home the trophy because it offers unlimited access for a lower monthly price than the one-time purchase with Intelius.

Is Truthfinder or BeenVerified better?

TruthFinder reports tend to have the most accurate and up-to-date information. The brand also has more info than BeenVerified or PeopleLooker. For example, reports include previous and current property ownership information, as well as details about sex offenders near the person’s current address.

Does Intelius have an app?

Information services. Intelius has created an app available for both Android and iOS that allows users to perform people searches, reverse phone lookups and background check services directly from their mobile device.

What happened to Intelius?

Exclusive: Intelius sold to private equity firm, Naveen Jain leaving to launch health tech startup. Background check provider Intelius and its Bellevue-based parent company, Inome Inc., have been sold to private equity firm H.I.G. in a deal that tops $100 million, GeekWire has learned.

Are Intelius reports worth it?

Intelius offers decent background check services and a variety of one-off reports, like People Search and reverse address lookup. Still, we don’t recommend it as a service. It has mixed reviews about sneaky pricing practices and the accuracy of its reports.

Is Intelius really free?

Is Intelius free? Intelius offers a basic people search for free. You’ll get some pretty limited information based on a person’s name, including their age, location history, relatives, the first six digits of any phone numbers, and employment and education history.

Does Intelius refund?

If you wish to request a refund for an in-app purchase, you have to do so through the App Store. Does Intelius renew your subscription after the free trial automatically? Yes, it does. You will have two days to enjoy all the Intelius services for free.

Is TruthFinder better than BeenVerified?