Can you listen to Feynman Lectures?

Can you listen to Feynman Lectures?

There are audiobooks of the Feynman lectures, but it is not clear if they are from the original lectures of were recorded later. See: Basic Books Celebrates the Life and Work of Richard P. Feynman , but the followup links are broken; each ISBN individually seems available on Amazon.

Where can I listen to Feynman Lectures?

The California Institute of Technology in conjunction with the Feynman Lectures Website recently completed a years-long effort to upload the entire set of Richard Feynman’s classic Lectures on Physics for the public to access for free.

How long does it take to read Feynman Lectures on physics?

, Feynman gave his lectures the next year but gave us some practice lectures. You can read them in a few weeks. You can spend several years trying to understand them. They were intended to be the basis of two years of study but not by reading alone.

How many volumes are there of Feynman Lectures on physics?

three volumes
Description. The textbook comprises three volumes. The first volume focuses on mechanics, radiation, and heat, including relativistic effects. The second volume covers mainly electromagnetism and matter.

Are Feynman lectures free?

A Free Education The Feynman Lectures is one of the most popular lecture series in physics. It’s a great resource for science enthusiasts, students, teachers — basically everyone. Now, Caltech and The Feynman Lectures website have collaborated to put these lectures online. And they are completely free.

Are The Feynman Lectures on physics outdated?

The Feynman Lectures are timeless. Their chief strength is in demonstrating how to reason about physics. The content is still valid and will remain so indefinitely. They cover basic mechanics, electromagnetism, and quantum mechanics.

Is Feynman lectures hard to read?

The Feynman lectures are generally considered too subtle, too difficult for the beginning physics student. They are wonderful references for the physics professor, such as me. The Feynman Lectures were my first physics textbook, and the only one I needed for several years.

Is it worth reading The Feynman Lectures on Physics?

Feynman was a genius, and his lectures are excellent, but on the other hand, I would not recommend them as textbooks for college courses. I think it would perhaps be best to read them after you studied the relevant courses, in order to broaden your understanding of the material, and not before (as I did).

Is it worth reading The Feynman Lectures on physics?

Should I read the Feynman Lectures on physics?

The Feynman lectures are a must-read, and be it just for the fun of having an author writing up the standard theory-course curriculum in a really new way (although the books are about 50 years old, they are more modern than many modern textbooks, e.g., on E&M).

How many pages are in Feynman Lectures?

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780465040858
Pages: 1200
Sales rank: 692,538
File size: 10 MB
Age Range: 13 – 18 Years

Are The Feynman Lectures on Physics outdated?

Can you explain quantum physics?

Quantum physics is applicable to explain the fundamental nature of the universe, regarding matter and energy, for example, the nature of the particles of atom – electrons, protons and neutrons. With the development of quantum theory, queries like stability of electron orbits and black body radiation could be explained scientifically.

What is the quantum theory in physics?

quantum theory. A theory in physics based on the principle that matter and energy behave both as particles and as waves. According to this theory, matter and energy are composed of tiny units of electromagnetic energy called quanta.

What is theory in physics?

1 : a theory in physics based on the concept of the subdivision of radiant energy into finite quanta and applied to numerous processes involving transference or transformation of energy in an atomic or molecular scale. 2 : quantum mechanics.

What is the concept of Physics?

Physics is a systematic study of the natural world, particularly the interaction between matter and energy. It is a discipline that attempts to quantify reality through a precise application of observation coupled with logic and reason. In experimental physics, physicists address a scientific problem using techniques such as the scientific method in an attempt to prove a hypothesis.