Can I use stored procedure with Entity Framework?

Can I use stored procedure with Entity Framework?

You can use stored procedures either to get the data or to add/update/delete the records for one or multiple database tables. EF API creates a function instead of an entity in EDM for each stored procedure and User-Defined Function (UDF) in the target database.

How do I create a stored procedure in Entity Framework?


  1. Right click the entity or empty area in designer windows.
  2. Choose Add>>Function Import…
  3. Type the Function Import Name as you like, choose the corresponding Stored Procedure Name in the dropdown list, and set the correct return type of this function.
  4. Then you call the method like this: context.

What is stored procedure in Entity Framework?

Entity Framework – Stored Procedures

  • You can use stored procedures to perform predefined logic on database tables, and many organizations have policies in place that require the use of these stored procedures.
  • It can also specify that EF should use your stored procedures for inserting, updating, or deleting entities.

How do I pass a parameter to a stored procedure in Entity Framework?

go to your EF model (*. edmx file) in the designer. right-click and select Update Model from Database. pick the stored procedure you want to use and go through the wizard….

  1. Entity Framework with . NET 3.5 and VS 2008 SP1.
  2. Using a Stored Procedure in Entity Framework 4.
  3. Call Stored Procedure from Entity Framework.

Is Entity Framework better than ado net?

Performance. ADO.NET provides better performance as it is directly connected to the data source, which makes the processing faster than Entity Framework as it translates LINQ queries to SQL first then process the query.

How can we call stored procedure using DBContext in MVC?

Step 1: Create an entity class which inherits “DbContext” class. Step 2: The following is the structure of the database with table and stored procedure. Step 3: Create a class to store the returned tabular value. Step 4: Create an object for the entity above and method to call a function.

How do I create a stored procedure in Entity Framework first?

Creating Stored Procedures in the Database In Server Explorer, expand School. mdf, right-click Stored Procedures, and select Add New Stored Procedure. Copy the following SQL statements and paste them into the stored procedure window, replacing the skeleton stored procedure.

How do I view stored procedures in Entity Framework?

The following is the procedure to import and use a Stored Procedure in Entity Framework.

  1. Step 1: Import Stored Procedure.
  2. Step 2: Right-click Stored Procedure and select “Add Function Import”.
  3. Step 3: Here, we can map a returned object of our Stored Procedure.

Is Entity Framework faster than stored procedures?

Below is my console application followed by the result. I executed the same application at least 10 times and every time, the time taken by Entity Framework is almost 3-4 times more than the time taken by a stored procedure.

Why do we use Entity Framework?

The Entity Framework enables developers to work with data in the form of domain-specific objects and properties, such as customers and customer addresses, without having to concern themselves with the underlying database tables and columns where this data is stored.

How can we call stored procedure using Entity Framework in .NET core?

EF Core provides the following methods to execute a stored procedure: DbSet. FromSql() DbContext….There are some limitations on the execution of database stored procedures using FromSql or ExecuteSqlCommand methods in EF Core2:

  1. Result must be an entity type.
  2. Result cannot contain related data.

What are stored procedures in Entity Framework?

The Entity Framework allows you to use stored procedures in the Entity Data Model instead of, or in combination with, its automatic command generation. You can use stored procedures to perform predefined logic on database tables, and many organizations have policies in place that require the use of these stored procedures.

What is a stored procedure in SQL?

What is Stored Procedure? A stored procedure a SQL code that you can save so that the code can be reused over and over again. If you have an SQL query that you write over and over again, save it as a stored procedure, and then call it to execute it.

How do I create an entity data model in Visual Studio?

Now, add a new Entity Data Model by right clicking on the project in the solution explorer in Visual Studio (2012/2015/2017) -> Add -> New Item. This will open an Add New Item popup. In the popup, select ADO.NET Entity Data Model and provide an appropriate name for the EDM and click the Add button.

How to create a stored procedure from a console application?

Alternatively, you may just want to have explicit control over what is executed on the store and prefer to create stored procedures. The following example creates a new project from File → New → Project. Step 1 − Select the Console Application from the middle pane and enter StoredProceduresDemo in the name field.