Are lobe-finned fishes and ray-finned fishes closely related?

Are lobe-finned fishes and ray-finned fishes closely related?

13.3. The lobe-finned fishes are the sister group to the ray-finned fishes. They are characterized by their paired, fleshy pectoral, and pelvic fins that are each articulated via a single bone. Ancestral records clearly show us that terrestrial vertebrates evolved from lobe-finned fishes nearly 400 million years ago.

What are the characteristics of lobe-finned fish that are similar to those of tetrapods?

Unlike other fish, Lobe-finned fish have a central appendage in their fins containing many bones and muscles. The fins are very flexible and potentially useful for supporting the body on land, as in lungfish and tetrapods (vertebrates with four limbs).

Are Rays lobe-finned fish?

The actinopterygians, or ray-finned fish, are one of the two major clades of bony fish (Osteichthyes), the other being the lobe-finned fish, or Sarcopterygians.

Which is a lobe-finned fish?

The Sarcopterygii, or lobe-finned fishes, is a clade containing the coelacanths, lungfishes, tetrapods, and their fossil relatives, including the osteolepiformes and panderichthyids. They are the sister group to the ray-finned fishes (Actinopterygii), together forming the bony fishes (Osteichthyes).

What are the differences between the chondrichthyes and actinopterygii fish?

The main difference between Chondrichthyes and Osteichthyes is that the Chondrichthyes is the class of bony fish whose endoskeleton is made up of cartilages whereas Osteichthyes is the class of cartilaginous fish whose endoskeleton is made up of bones.

What are the three types of fish in the lobe-finned fish?

Taxonomy of Living Lobe-finned fishes. Modern taxonomists branch the lobe-finned fishes into three major groups – the Coelacanth (Coelacanthomorpha), and the Lungfish (Dipnoi) and Land vertebrates (tetrapods). For the purposes of this overview of the group, we’ll concentrate on the first two – coelacanths and lungfish.

What are the characteristics of lobe-finned fishes?

Early lobe-finned fishes are bony fish with fleshy, lobed, paired fins, which are joined to the body by a single bone. The fins of lobe-finned fishes differ from those of all other fish in that each is borne on a fleshy, lobelike, scaly stalk extending from the body.

Are ray-finned fish tetrapods?

The word “tetrapod” means “four feet” and includes all species alive today that have four feet — but this group also includes many animals that don’t have four feet. Most animals we call fishes today are ray-finned fishes, the group nearest the root of this evogram.

Do ray-finned fish have bony skeletons?

Bony fish (also known as Ray-finned fish) are the largest of the three groups of fish with almost 27,000 species such as salmon, trout, lanternfish, cavefish, cods, anglerfish, tarpon, herrings, electric eels and many more. Bony fish have a skeleton made of bone.

Are ray-finned fishes jawed vertebrates?

The jawed vertebrates (gnathostomes) fall into two major taxa, the Chondrichthyes (cartilaginous fishes) and Osteichthyes (bony fishes). The latter taxon includes sarcopterygians (coelacanths, lungfishes, and tetrapods) and actinopterygians (ray-finned fishes).

How cartilaginous fishes differ from bony fishes?

What is the difference between bony and cartilaginous fish? Cartilaginous fishes have skeletons composed mostly of cartilage while bony fish have a skeleton composed mostly of bone.

What features distinguish ray finned fishes from sharks?

pectoral fins
Rays and skates comprise more than 500 species and are closely related to sharks. They can be distinguished from sharks by their flattened bodies, pectoral fins that are enlarged and fused to the head, and gill slits on their ventral surface (Figure 6).

Do ray finned fishes have a swim bladder?

In the ray-finned fishes, the air sacs evolved into a single swim bladder, placed above the throat; in most teleosts, it remains connected to the throat, but in the advanced perchlike forms the connection is broken, and the swim bladder functions independently as a sophisticated buoyancy device, secreting and absorbing its own gas.

How does the ray finned fish reproduce?

Reproduction. In nearly all ray-finned fish, the sexes are separate, and in most species the females spawn eggs that are fertilized externally , typically with the male inseminating the eggs after they are laid. Development then proceeds with a free-swimming larval stage. However other patterns of ontogeny exist,…

What are ray finned fish?

Actinopterygii (/ˌæktɪˌnɒptəˈrɪdʒiaɪ/), or the ray-finned fishes, constitute a class or subclass of the bony fishes. The ray-finned fishes are so called because their fins are webs of skin supported by bony or horny spines (“rays”), as opposed to the fleshy, lobed fins that characterize the class Sarcopterygii (lobe-finned fish).