Are eukaryotes autotrophic or heterotrophic?

Are eukaryotes autotrophic or heterotrophic?

Eukaryote Heterotrophs Most multicellular Some unicellular Feed on dead and decaying organisms. Eukaryote Autotrophs Multicellular Life on earth would not exist without plants.

Which of the following eukaryote is autotrophic?

Eukaryotic Autotrophs: Plants and Protists Plants are called autotrophs because they make their own food. Plants use water, carbon dioxide and energy from the sun to produce glucose through the process of photosynthesis. Some types of protists also obtain energy through photosynthesis.

What kingdoms are autotrophic or heterotrophic?


Kingdom Number of Cells How they gain their energy?
Protoctista Mainly Unicellular Some Heterotrophic, Some Autotrophic
Fungi Multicellular Heterotrophic
Plantae Multicellular Autotrophic
Animalia Multicellular Heterotrophic

Are eukaryotic unicellular or multicellular autotrophic or heterotrophic?

Classification for Biology

plantae eukaryotes, has cell wall, multicellular, autotrophic by photosynthesis, rooted in place
Animalia eukaryotes, no cell wall, multicellular, heterotrophic, mobile
kingdom taxonomic category that contains phyla with similar characteristics

Are eukaryotic organisms heterotrophic?

Kingdom Animalia is composed of multicellular organisms that are heterotrophs made of eukaryotic cells. Kingdom Plantae is composed of multicellular organisms that are autotrophs made of eukaryotic cells.

Is eubacteria heterotrophic or autotrophic?

A great many of the most familiar eubacteria are heterotrophs, meaning they must take food in from outside sources.

What kingdom is eukaryotic multicellular and autotrophic?

Kingdom Plantae
Kingdom Plantae includes multicellular, autotrophic organisms.

Which kingdom is eukaryotic multicellular and autotrophic?

Kingdom Plantae is composed of multicellular organisms that are autotrophs made of eukaryotic cells.

Is eukaryotic multicellular or unicellular?

How do prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells differ?

Prokaryotes Eukaryotes
Size Small (1-5 micrometers) Larger (10-100 micrometers)
Organisms Bacteria/archaea Animals, plants, fungi, protists
Cell structure Always unicellular Can be unicellular or multicellular

Is eubacteria eukaryotic or prokaryotic?

Eubacteria -as well as archaebacteria- are prokaryotes. Conversely, the Eukarya is composed only of eukaryotes. Unlike simple prokaryotic cells, eukaryotic cells tend to be more complex. They include the unicellular and multicellular protists, plants, algae, and animals.

Are archaebacteria and eubacteria Heterotrophs or Autotrophs?

The six Kingdoms

Archaebacteria prokaryote or eukaryote; autotrophic or heterotrophic; unicellular; found in the hot spots of the ocean; some are helpful; ancient
Eubacteria prokaryotes; autotrophic or heterotrophic; unicellular; could be good or bad bacteria
Response the reaction to a stimulus

What kingdom is heterotrophic eukaryote?

Kingdom Animalia
Kingdom Animalia – The Animals (multicellular eukaryotes; ingestive heterotrophs)

Are plants autotrophs autotrophic or heterotrophic?

All plants are autotrophs and get energy from photosynthesis. They provide energy to the things above them on the food chain. All animals are multicellular eukaryotes. Animals are heterotrophs and eat other organisms. Further detail about this can be seen here.

What are autotrophic prokaryotes and eukaryotes?

Autotrophic eukaryotes include plants and algae. Autotrophic eukaryotes include plants and algae. They all do photosynthesis using the pigment chlorophyll in organelles called chloroplasts. There are two major groups of autotrophic prokaryotes.

What is the difference between autotrophic and myxotrophic?

In the presence of sunlight it is autotrophic and in the absence of sunlight it is heterotrophic. This mode of nutrition is known as myxotrophic and hence they form a border line between plants and animals and can be classified in both. 3.

How are animals heterotrophs and pluricellular organisms similar?

The animals are heterotrophs. They benefit from photosynthesis either directly by eating plants as herbivores or indirectly by eating other animals (carnivores) or both animals and plants (omnivores), but also by using oxygen. Pluricellular organisms have specialized cells and tissues with different tasks.