How would you determine the fineness modulus of coarse aggregates?

How would you determine the fineness modulus of coarse aggregates?

Fineness modulus of coarse aggregates represents the average size of the particles in the coarse aggregate by an index number. It is calculated by performing sieve analysis with standard sieves. The cumulative percentage retained on each sieve is added and subtracted by 100 gives the value of fine aggregate.

What is the fineness modulus of coarse sand?

Following table indicate sand fineness modulus value ranges from 2.6 to 3.2….Range of Fineness of Modulus.

Types of Sand Fineness Modulus (F. M) Value
Fine Sand 2.6 – 2.6
Medium Sand 2.6 -2.9
Coarse Sand 2.9 -3.2

How do you find coarse aggregate and fine aggregate?

Fine aggregates are small size filler materials in construction. Coarse aggregates are larger size filler materials in construction. Fine aggregates are the particles that pass through 4.75 mm sieve and retain on 0.075 mm sieve. Coarse aggregates are the particles that retain on 4.75 mm sieve.

How do you calculate sieve analysis of coarse aggregate?

Divide the masses for each sieve (individual/cumulative) by the total dry mass before washing and multiply by 100 to determine the percent retained on and passing each sieve. Calculate the percent retained and passing each sieve to the nearest 0.1%.

Does coarse aggregate has fineness modulus?

Fineness modulus of coarse aggregate varies from 5.5 to 8.0. And for all in aggregates or combined aggregates fineness modulus varies from 3.5 to 6.5. Range of fineness modulus for aggregate of different maximum sized aggregates is given below.

What is the use of fineness modulus of fine aggregate?

Fineness modulus is generally used to get an idea of how coarse or fine the aggregate is. More fineness modulus value indicates that the aggregate is coarser and small value of fineness modulus indicates that the aggregate is finer.

How do you find the fine aggregate proportion?


  1. Calculate the total surface index of fine aggregate (let it be x)
  2. Calculate the total surface index of coarse aggregate (let it be y)
  3. Let z be the total surface index of combined aggregate and a is the proportion of fine to coarse aggregate.
  4. Then a = (z-y)/(x-z)

How do you calculate the fineness modulus of sand?

To calculate the fineness modulus of sand, the sum of the cumulative percentages retained on the following sieves are divided by 100: 150μm (No. 100), 300μm (No. 50), 600-μm (No. 30), 1.18mm (No.

How do you calculate fineness modulus?

The Fineness Modulus (FM) is an empirical figure obtained by adding the total percentage of the sample of an aggregate retained on each of a specified series of sieves, and dividing the sum by 100.

What is fineness modulus of fine aggregate?

The Fineness Modulus (FM) of fine aggregates (sand) is an empirical figure obtained by adding the total percentage of the sample of a sand retained on each of a specified series of sieves and dividing the sum by 100.

What are the objectives of finding fineness modulus?

Fineness modulus offers a way to quantify the average size of the aggregate particles in the concrete mix. The size of the particles, in turn, will greatly affect how easily the concrete pours and spreads, as well as its strength and durability once cured.

What is the percentage of fine aggregate of fineness modulus?

The percentage of the fine aggregate of fineness modulus 2.6 to be combined with coarseaggregate of fineness modulus 6.8 for obtaining the aggregates of fineness modulus 5.4, is : a) 40%

What is the Fineness modulus of coarse aggregates?

The fineness modulus of coarse aggregates is the index number of the total particle size of the coarse aggregate. By doing sieve analysis with normal sieves, it is measured. The accumulated percentage retained on each sieve is applied and the coarse aggregate valuation is given by subdividing it by 100.

What is the Fineness modulus (FM)?

The Fineness Modulus (FM) is an empirical figure obtained by adding the total percentage of the sample of an aggregate retained on each of a specified series of sieves, and dividing the sum by 100.

What is the difference between fine aggregate and coarse aggregate?

The accumulated percentage retained on each sieve is applied and the coarse aggregate valuation is given by subdividing it by 100. The fineness module is larger than the fine aggregate, thus the fineness module of the coarse aggregate is greater than the fine aggregate.

What is Fineness modulus of sieve?

Fineness modulus is the number at which the average size of particle is known when we counted from lower order sieve size to higher order sieve. So, in the calculation of coarse aggregate we need all sizes of sieves. Content may be subject to copyright.