How old is Bif Taylor Bully?

How old is Bif Taylor Bully?


Bif Taylor
Born 12th of May, 1988
Age 32
Status Alive
Birthplace Worcester, Massachusetts, New England, United States of America

How old is Russell Northrop?

Russell Northrop
Born November 21, 1987
Died N/A
Age 15 in 2006 and 29 now
Status Alive

How old is Johnny Vincent?

Vincent reactivated the label in 1971 to produce some new music and reissue the treasures from the label’s vault and by leasing the masters to other labels. In 1997 he sold the label to Music Collection International, a British label. Vincent died in February 2000 in Jackson of heart failure at the age of 72.

Who is Zoe in Bully?

Zoe Taylor is a main character in Bully. She is a member of the Townies when Jimmy first meets her, and one of the Non-Clique Students while attending Bullworth Academy.

Where is Bryce bully?

Bryce can always be found training on the heavy bag at the Boxing club. When he is hitting the heavy bag, the game will not let you take a picture of him for yearbook. However, you can knock him out and take a picture of him when he’s down.

When was Hopkins born?

30th of April, 1991
James “Jimmy” Hopkins is the playable character and the main protagonist in Bully. He is a student at Dixmor Academy….

Jimmy Hopkins
Nationality American
Born 30th of April, 1991
Died N/A
Age 15 (as of the events of Bully, Fall 2006 to Summer 2007) now 29

How old is Jimmy at the end of bully?

15 years old
Jimmy is 15 years old and is smaller in height than most students, but is reasonably stocky. He has freckles on his cheeks and wears a gold stud earring on his left ear.

How old is Johnny Vincent in Bully?


Johnny Vincent
Nationality Italian-American
Born November 28th, 1989
Age 31
Status Alive

Who is Johnny in Bully?

Rocco Rosanio
Johnny Vincent is a character in Bully, and is the leader of the Greasers at Bullworth Academy. He was voiced by Rocco Rosanio.

Where is Lola Bully?

She appears on the front cover of a magazine called BlaBlaBla that is found in Old Bullworth Vale Beauty Salon.

Where is Lola bully?

Who is BIF Taylor in Bully?

— Bif. Bif Taylor is a character in Bully, and is a member of the Preppies. He was voiced by Andrew Rannells. Bif is a tall and muscular Preppie with red hair and green eyes.

What does Bif look like in Bully?

Bif Taylor is a character in Bully, and is a member of the Preppies. He was voiced by Andrew Rannells . Bif is a tall and muscular Preppie with red hair and green eyes. He wears an Aquaberry sweater vest, with a white shirt. He also wears gray slacks and white shoes, and does not wear a tie.

What does Bif look like in the Outsiders?

Bif is a tall and muscular Preppie with red hair and green eyes. He wears an Aquaberry sweater vest, with a white shirt. He also wears gray slacks and white shoes, and does not wear a tie. Along with Parker and Pinky, Bif is one of the preppies who doesn’t speak in a faux English accent.

Where did Bif originally go to college?

She graduated from John Taylor Collegiate and studied theatre at the University of Winnipeg. After University, she began pursuing a career as a stand-up comic. The name “Bif” started as a nickname based on the mispronunciation of her real name, Beth.